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Your pov
"Y/n Kaden's gone." "What do you mean he's gone?" You ask. "Michael and I looked all over for him and we can't find him." Your heart shatters. You start crying. "Where's Michael and Lilia?" "They're in the car, safe."
"Shawn call the police, now," you order him. Shawn hugs you as he calls the police. "What's going on?" Sarah and Nicola ask, walking over to you and Shawn. "Kaden, he's gone," you say through sobs. Sarah hugs you and Nicola rubs your arm. You see Isaac coming up to you.
He's here? That doesn't matter right now. You need your son. "Hey, what's wrong?" Isaac asks. "Kaden is gone," Nicola says. "Like kidnapped?" You cry harder at the idea of Kaden being kidnapped.
"Shh the police are coming now," Shawn says wiping your tears. "Umm Isaac could you go check on the kids, they're in the car," Shawn says. Isaac nods and runs to them. "My baby's gone." "He's not gone Y/n, he'll come back. They'll find him." Sarah and Nicola stay with you as Shawn goes talk to the police.

Shawn's pov
"Hello officers," I say approaching them. "Hello, are the father?" A officer asks. "Yes," I reply. "Name?" "Shawn Mendes." "Kaden Mendes is your son?" "Yes." "Please give a description." "About 4'3 feet tall, brown hair, skinny, green eyes, light skin," I say. "Thank you," the officer says.
I can't believe this happened. I notice my hand shaking. My little boy is gone. I never thought I would lose him or my other children. How could this happen? I don't notice I'm crying. I just want him home.

"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" I ask Y/n. "I'm sure, we used protection. It's probably just food poisoning," Y/n says, brushing the idea off. The baby monitor goes off. "Speaking of babies, little Lilia is awake from her nap." I pick her up, out of her crib and she walks out of her room. Just imagining Lilia being a big sister is exciting to me, but Y/n doesn't want more kids.
*End of flashback

"I can't believe we're doing this, Shawn I'm scared," Y/n says about to take a test. "It's going to be okay, maybe we're not," I say hugging her. She goes in the bathroom and comes back a minute later.
"We're going to be okay, don't worry honey." "I know hubby, it's just the last time I was pregnant it was traumatic for me. Going into labor early and then having a c section was a lot." I hug her. Y/n starts crying.
"I love you," I whisper. "I love you too." Y/n has me go into the bathroom to look at the test. I'm shaking, I've never been this nervous to look at a pregnancy test before and that's coming from a guy who became a dad at 18. I look and there's two lines. "Two lines means pregnant right?"
*End of flashback

We arrive home and Y/n and I can't sleep. Our son is out there and we can't go and find him until the morning. We're silent. We're both in shock. I hear footsteps and I jump up. Lilia. "Can I sleep in here?" She asks. I nod and she crawls in bed with us.

Love you for Forever  (Third book in my series)Where stories live. Discover now