New Life

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"Lincoln," Octavia whispered, "Lincoln, wake up."

He shifted under the animal fur. An owl cooed outside. Octavia began to sing their melody:

Within the darkness...
I will find you...
And keep you safeeee and warm...
Whatever happens... I will be here... even as the world changes.
Count on me baby. Count on me baby.

Without realizing it, Lincoln had drifted back to sleep. He awoke again to Octavia's voice.

"It's time to wake up," she whispered in his ear before gently kissing him.

His eyes slid open. He could feel Octavia's fingers caressing his forehead. Her beautiful eyes were turned towards him. Before she could process that her lover was awake, he flipped her onto her back and hovered above her. His dark eyes gazed lovingly down at her.

"What are you thinking?" She said coyly.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Oh I think I do."

"Have you ever thought about having children?" He whispered.

Her stomach swooped in an arch. Of course she had thought about it, but she had thought for the longest time that he didn't want children at all.

"I thought that you didn't want children," she admitted.

"In Trikru, a child is seen as a sign of passionate love. The child shows that by them being here, the family cannot be driven apart easily. Of course some families were chosen prematurely by Indra, but to some degree there was love there. You are so strong, my Octavia. Let's make us stronger."

She nodded. Lincoln reached down to kiss her. She responded to the kiss, and tried to take the lead, but Lincoln pressed her arms into the furs lining the ground. This was the way she liked to be loved by him. He was totally in control as she lost control to the passion coursing through her veins.

The next morning, she thought back to this moment as she woke up.

The next through weeks passed in a blur. Lincoln hunted during the day while Octavia strategized with Bellamy about how to fortify the borders of the community.

After a long day in the central white tent with Bellamy, Octavia was carrying a bucket filled with purified water back to the cavern where she lived with Lincoln. When she got to the entrance to the cave, she brought her other hand up to move the fern covering the entrance back. As she did this, a wave of nausea hit. Surprised, Octavia dropped the bucket. Water gushed everywhere. Before she knew it, she was bent over in the bushes dry heaving. The contents of her stomach quickly exited into the bushes. For several moments, she was too dizzy to get back up.

"Octavia?" Lincoln's voice yelled from inside their home, "Is that you? What's wrong?"

She couldn't get more then a sickened moan out.

Lincoln rushed out, not even bothering to move the fern aside covering the doorway. She turned away from him and quickly wiped her mouth.

"Did you eat something bad O? You don't have to be embarrassed. It's my fault if you did. I'm supposed to be cooking food that is good enough for you."

"I'll be fine," she replied, "Go back inside, I'll be in in a moment."

Lincoln turned away, obviously not convinced.

As soon as he was out of sight, Octavia climbed to her feet and snuck towards the tent near the center of camp that Bellamy shared with Clarke. When she got to their tent she said tentatively, "Is Clarke inside?"

A suspiciously shuffling followed with mysterious zipping and rustling around that Octavia knew all too well. Her brother had done well finding a woman like Clarke. Clarke popped her head out.

"Are you free for an exam tonight?" Octavia asked, "And can we go to the med tent instead of here?"

Clarke didn't need to hear it twice. She came out of the tent and walked over to a neighboring tent. Octavia followed her inside. Inside the tent was a flat table lined with a single blanket.

"Sit up there please," Clarke said, "I need to get my hands washed."

Octavia gingerly got up on the table. Another wave of nausea hit, but she suppressed it.

"Ok... have you had any unexplained illness you are concerned about?" Clarke began.

"I got sick without warning today," Octavia replied.

Halfway through the general wellness exam Octavia offhandedly muttered," I did miss my period this month."

Clarke stopped immediately and went to a separate box on the other side of the room. She opened the box and came over with a strip of paper and a cup.

"I need a urine sample. If you could go behind the curtain in the back and do it I would appreciate it," Clarke said.

Octavia quickly did as Clarke had asked before returning to the table. Clarke set the cup aside with the strip of paper laying inside of it.

"Now please lay back and lift your shirt," Clarke stated.

Octavia did as she was told. Clarke felt up and down her abdomen before nodding. At this point, Clarke reached over for the cup. She looked at the strip. It was pink.

"Congratulations," Clarke said, "You're pregnant."

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