The Beginning of it All

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Everyone always blames the whole story on the phantom. But what if there were another side...?

*flashback: to the day that began it all. The opening night.*

Ballerinas ran all around, scurrying to their places as the music began. I myself, was offstage for the scene, as I wasn't as skilled as the others. I was often kept to the sides.

While I had a natural talent for playing music and following the beat, I wasn't nearly as graceful as the others. As my sister, Christine, obviously was.

I watched on as Carlotta began to sing her part, visibly flinching at her high notes. They were coarse and piercing, not smooth and light as the opera called for them to be. If the woman were not as insufferable as she was, I may have not minded as much. But she was, and therefore, I did mind as much.

The scene carried on without a hitch until the end. From the corner of my eye, I spotted the owner of the Opera walking in with two strange men that I had never seen before.

While the other dancers and singers gathered around, I wandered off, not worried by the announcement that would not bother me in the slightest. I didn't matter to any plans anyways. As I wandered, I found myself running into the ropeman, Bouquet. He merely grumbled and pummelled by before pauses and glancing back.

"Hey, you there! Girl!"

I stopped in my walking and glanced back at him, my nose wrinkling slightly in irritation.

"Yes sir...?"

"Go up there to the rafters and mind the ropes for me? I'm going off to grab something from the dressing rooms." Without waiting for me to answer he grumbled again and was off on his way.

"Hey! Wait!-" I sighed exasperatedly. Not being able to get his attention, I rolled my eyes and made my way to the ladder up. I climbed it with relative ease and looked over the scene I was presented with.

The ropes couldn't be that hard, right? Not worried about what could happen, I gently picked up on one of the ropes and gave it a little tug to test it out. Unbeknownst to be at the time, tugging on the rope caused the front part of the scenery to fall... right where Carlotta was beginning to sing her aria! Quickly, I ducked, afraid of someone seeing me.

Oh god... what had I done...?!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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The Phantom's Bride: A Phantom of the Opera fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora