Tricks and Apparations

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I look up and croak the one thing I can, "Erik..."

What I see, or rather, who I see, is not who I thought.

As I look up I see an man, who is in his sixties and is wearing a turban covering his head. He looks confused, and when I ask where Erik is, his eyes widen.

"Mademoiselle, I have no idea who you are talking about." He says, but I can tell he is hiding something.

"My... My phantom..." Oops! Did I just let that slip.

Anyways he seems to finally let go of his facade , and responds with a pointed look.

"I don't know who you are, but trust me, you don't want to get caught up with a person like that, Mademoiselle. He is dangerous. Now if you tell me where you live, I will bring you there."

I tell him to take me back to the Opera house in hope that Erik will take me in, but he refuses.

" I am not taking you there, you will get killed! Now please where do you live?"

I insist upon the same answer as before and after a bit of persuading he finally agrees.

" Fine, but I very much hope that you know what you are doing."

He calls a carriage after carrying me to the streets, and places me inside the warm cabin.

The last thing I remember is us arriving at the opera house and him giving me a warning look as he starts his way to Erik's lair, before I blacked out.
Time skippity skip
I wake up on a blood red velvet couch, covered with a similar black velvet duvet. I remember how I got here, and start to look around frantically to find the one person who I need to see.

I spot the older man, he is facing me, while talking to a tall man that has his back to me. I can hear whispered voices across the room but I can't make out what they are saying. Oh well there's no time like the present, I guess I better let them know that I am awake.

I sit up and yawn, stretching my arms above my head, and almost hissing in pain from the injury that the cold has provided me with.

They both turn around immediately.

The tall man, otherwise known as Erik, runs up to me and holds on to me like a child would hold a lost puppy.

"Fluer, I thought I had lost you!"

I am relieved of all tension to know that he forgives me, and sigh into his arms.

He looksup though, with something like regret in his eyes. He strokes my face, causing a slight burn to announce itself. I gasp in pain, and he pulls away, while looking at the ground.

"Oh what have I done?"

I was so focused and confused at how distraught he was, I failed to notice the older man leave the room.

"Erik, mon phantom, what do you mean?"

"You have to see yourself." He replies to me, tears coming to his eyes. I haven't the foggiest why he is so emotional about this.

He walks across the room to a covered wall, I can't tell what the drape was covering though. It was too heavily concealed. There was only one thing he would cover like that.

A mirror.

He motions me to go to him, and I place my feel on the cold stone floor, gasping at the cold reminders of he night before.

I walk towards him, the mirror, and whatever grave peril awaits me. (Note the sarcasm, Erik can be a bit emotional)

I get closer to him, and he starts to pull down the drapery.

I find that my sarcasm was too easily placed.

I gasp at my reflection.


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