Chapter 1 - The Ticket

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All of the characters except the ones I've come up with (Amanda, Rose G. and Gwen) belongs to Jk Rowling. The storyline is mine but NOT the characters! The world also belongs to Jk Rowling, I've only put in my own story in a world that she created.


When I was ten years old I found a book outside my driveway. I had been out shooting osme hoops when the ball had bounced out on the street. I had went to get it and when I was walking back to my driveway I saw a something laying on the pavement. It had been an old book and I had picked it up. I had walked back inside and started reading it. The book wasn't big but it had been interesting.

The book was called Quidditch through the ages.


Amanda's POV

I was sitting in my favourite café drinking coffe. I was supposed to meet my friend there but she was half an hour late. It didn't bother me, she was always late. My coffe was burning hot but even though I tried sipping on it. It burned my tongue and down my throat but it tasted nice. It was late summer and it had already started to become chilly outside. I had worn my new black coat today and it had helped me keep me warm on the way to the café.

I held a book in my hand. I was supposed to read it before school started for an assignment but I had avoided it all summer. It was nothing like the books I usually read and it bored me deeply. Sitting in the café I only got one chapter before I felt that I could no longer look at the words.

The café I was sitting in was only half full. There was a man a couple of tables behind me that I had seen walking in. He had had his eyes locked on the door, probably waiting for someone important. He could of been about thirty years old and while he had looked on the door he had also been playing with the ring on his finger so I was guessing that he was married.

In front of me sat a small family. There was two girls, probably around five or six. They were almost identical to the looks and they happily smiling while drinking their hot chocolate. In front of them were what I assumed must of been their parents. There was a woman with red curly hair that went just past her shoulders and a man that had black, short hair beside her. They all looked like they were happy and it made me smile.

At a small table that was only fit for two people sat a woman. She was eating a piece of pie and sipping on some tea. She held a paper in one hand that caught my attention. The front of the paper was facing me and it told me a lot of stories, though not a single one that I was familiar with.

Weasleys Wizard Wheezes brings back The Skiving Snackbox just in time for the students' return to Hogwarts.

Is Dumbledore's Army coming together once more at the World Cup?

These are the teams that will be competing in the 2018 Quidditch World Cup!

My eyes were glued to the paper. I had no idea what kind of paper it was. It was so strange to me. What was a Skiving Snackbox? And what was Dumbledore's Army? None of the words made any sence to me until I saw one of them, Quidditch. I remembered the book that layed at home at the bottom of my bookshelf. I had read it numerous times since I found it that summer day. I had thought about what a strange book it had been. No one had ever heard of it when I asked and no one had even heard of Quidditch. It hadn't been something I had thought about at first, but when I sat there seeing the word somewhere else then on my book it was so strange. Without thinking I got up with my steeming cup of coffe in hand and walked up to the woman.

"Excuse me ma'm, but can I ask what paper that is?", I asked her just as I got up to her table. She lazily looked up at me and scanned me over with a sour expression.

"That is none of your buisness", she replied sharply which took me by surprise. Why was she so rude?

"Can I just ask but is it really saying Quidditch?", I asked once more. She had put down the paper so that I could no longer see it. There was another story up that was feautered with a picture of a family. There was a woman and a man with their three children. There where two boys and one girl.

"No you can not!" She got up from her chair looking offended. Before I could speak another word she had put on her jacket and grabbed her handbag. She left the café without giving me a second look. I stood there with a frown on my face. What had I done that had offended her? I looked down and saw that something layed on the table, except the mug and plate. It was a little piece of paper. I took it and returned to my table. To my luck I saw that no one had seen what had been exchanged between me and the woman. When I looked at the little paper in my hand I saw that it had two broomsticks on it. There was people sitting on the bromsticks and it looked like they were moving. It looked like they were flying aronud and throwing a ball between them. I blinked a few times trying to clear my vision but nothing changed. My mouth fell open by surprise. How could it be? I must have gone insane! All these books I've read that tells stories about magic must've gotten to my head. It was impossible. There was also text on, it read Quidditch World Cup, Bulgaria vs Peru. It also said a time and date. At the bottom it also said where the match was played. I was at a loss of words. It could not be a real ticket to a real Quidditch game. I knew that Quidditch did not really exist. Before I could dwell more one of my best friends, Rose, sat down in front of me.

"Hi! Sorry that I'm late. What is that?", she asked as she mentioned down to my hands where I was holding the ticket. Rose was very short, almost at the same hight as me and she had short red her. It ended just by her chin and was newly cut. A week ago she had had long red hair that was almost down at her stomach but then she had suddenly got the urge to cut it. Her light brown eyes looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"I have no idea, I mean it must be a joke. Here look!", I said and gave her the small ticket. She examined it with huge eyes before giving it back to me. She couldn't speak for a long time and she was just staring at nothing for a while. She had read the book about Quidditch once when I borrowed it to her. She had found it just as interesting as me and we had many times sat and talked about how amazing it would of been if Quidditch really existed.

"This. Is. Freaking. Amazing!", she suddenly exclamied with a big grin. She grabbed a hold of my hands that and pulled me closer to her.

"We have to investigate this", she said excited. It got me smiling. There was always something with Rose that got me smiling. She was always so possitive and supportive.

"I guess it can't hurt, the game is tomorrow and we can just look up where the game is being played on the internet", I said with a calm smile. Rose squealed and let go of my hands.

"I can ask my sister if she wants to drive us. She'll probably do it!", she said while clapping her hands. It amused me how happy she was. Her sister would probably drive us. She had also borrowed the book and a few times she had talked with us about it. If she found out about the ticket she would be as excited as us.

"Come on let's go to my place right now and plan everything". She dragged me to my feet and I barely had any time to grab my things and put my coat on before we were outside. I followed Rose down towards the subway and sadly remembered that I got no time to finish my coffee.

(A/N) This is just something I came up with and felt like writing. I'm sorry if there are any misspellings, or grammatical incorrect sentences. I just really liked the idea of this and I hope that it doesn't turn out bad. I hope you like it!! 

As I said in the beginning, the only characters that belong to me are the ones that are not from the HP universe. 

In the World of Magic(Harry Potter Next Generation Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن