Chapter 17 - Mending

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Amanda's POV

I had been right about not being bothered with the note. I was much happier when I didn't worry about it. Christina and Allison had asked me if I was okay and after telling them that I was fine we had moved past it. I had gone through most of the day and I was able to actually listen in class. James had been giving me looks during herbology class but I hadn't been cared about it. I had decided that I would talk with him during potions. That was the next class.

"Have fun", I teased Allison. She had a really hard time with her partner, Anastasia Jordan. They did not get along and Allison whined about after almost every potions class. Allison sighed defeated and headed over to her table while Christina and I went over to our own tables with smirks on our faces.

James was already there. He was looking directly at me while I walked over to him. I smiled at him as I sat down, which earned me a surprised look from him.

"Can we talk after class?", I asked him in a calm tone. He stared at me as if he had seen an alien.

"Yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you too", he told me slowly. I bit my lip and wondered wether I should say what I wanted to say. After a few seconds of thinking I decided to wing it.

"I think that we should try being friends again, this time for more than a couple of days", I told him quickly. He still looked shocked, but also happy. He smiled at me, and the smile reached all the way to his eyes.

"I'd like that", he sighed and pulled his hand through his hair. I laughed as a few strands of his hair weirdly stood straight up. He cocked his head to the side in confusion. I reached out fixed his hair and that was when realization seemed to dawn on him. A cheeky smile spread over his lips as professor Slughorn walked into class and started us up.

"Are we really making a potion for the nurse?", I asked in disbelief, more to myself than to James. He gave me a look though that told me that it probably was normal to do so at Hogwarts.

"Just give me the tubeworms", I told James before I started to squish the disgusting tubeworms. James and I worked calmly on our potion while speaking occasionally. I couldn't help but smile during the whole class. I like having James as a partner, especially when we talked.

Just as most of the other potions classes, James and I got to leave early. We had finished our potion and then got a comment from Slughorn. As always he was happy with our work.

"Where should we go to talk?", I asked James after the door had closed behind us. James started to lead the way for us.

"I know a place where we ca talk in private." I felt like rolling my eyes because of James' vagueness. At the same time it made exitment grow inside of me.

We started walking up the stairs. After passing the first two floors my legs started to grow tired. When we passed the sixth floor and kept going up I started to regret not working out as often as I could have.

"I think I might just die", I panthed as we stoppes at the seventh floor. James gave me an amused glance before leading me through the corridors.

"No, I'm serious! I think I might just drop dead", I told James while breathing hard. Don't judge me. Going up seven floors in a huge freaking castle wasn't that damn easy.

James then stopped us infront of a wall. I looked towards James, waiting for him to say or do something. He didn't though. All he did was stare at the wall and wait. I was wondering what he was doing. At the same time I felt like I didn't actually wan't to ask.

Then it happened. The wall infront of us transformed into a door and James smiled at it. I didn't even want to ask. Maybe walls turning into doors were common in the magical world. I had literally no idea.

James and I stepped through the door. Inside there was a couch and a fireplace. There were a few cupboards by one of the walls, together with a fridge. The door closed behind us and James led us to the couch.

"You've probably already guessed that I got a message yesterday", I started saying to James. He nodded in agreement which was my cue to keep going.

"It got me thinking. Whoever it is that is sending these notes can't actually hurt us. They might have pictures of us, but it's not that hard to get. Also, why would I be here if it wasn't safe. Those people from the forest didn't seem like masterminds. I can't imagine them being smarter than the people who sent me here", I told James earnestly. At first James looked like he didn't agree with me, but then my words seemed to really dawn on him.

"That's actually true", was the only words coming out of his mouth. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards at his awestruck tone.

"The only thing they are trying to achieve is fright, and that is the thing I refuse to give them. If I get another note I think I might send one back, just out of spite." I had noticed how to door was no longer on the wall. Because of that I felt completely safe with saying anything. James would definitely be the only one hearing me. There wouldn't be any noisy people listening in on our conversation.

"Don't do that. You might be right about them being harmless, but don't mess with them. We got to leave Hogwarts some time", James told me seriously. I agreed but mentally rolled my eyes. Sometimes I acted a bit spontaneously and I did not have control over my actions. I wouldn't tell James that, though.

"We should probably just act like everything is normal and okay. We could at least try to enjoy this school year", James then suggested which I smiled brightly at. He was on board with my no worrying plan. I liked that.

"That would be perfect!", I exclaimed happily. James then got up from the couch and walked over to the cabinets. He opened one of them and took out a bottle of some drink.

"This is butter bear and you have to try it. As a celebration", James explained and took out two glasses from another cupboard. He then poured the butter bear in the glasses and walked over to me.

"It's delicious, I promise." Without hesitating I took a sip of the drink. It was sweet, and pretty good. It wasn't the most delicious drink in the world, but it was okay.

"Yeah, it's pretty good", I told James who excitedly waited for my reaction. He then looked at me like I was crazy.

"Only pretty good? What kind of drinks do you muggles have that can compete with this?", he asked in total astonishment. I laughed at that and leaned back on the couch. I could get used to having James as my friend.

Third person's POV

The student slowly creeped behind the pair. All senses were on edge because of the fear of getting caught. The pair was heading up, up, up. The student followed on a safe distance until the pair reached the seventh floor. They stopped just by the end of the stairs, talking to quietly for the spying student to hear. Then they continued on with walking. Hurriedly the student followed, but still as quietly as possible. At one corner the student stopped, peeking around it to watch the pair. They were standing infront of a wall, a wall that transformed into a door. The student knew that the picture needed to be taken or else there wouldn't be one.

Raising the camera a quick shot was taken just before the pair walked through the door and disappeared. The student looked around to see that no one else was around. Then the student hurried away towards the common room. The picture needed to be sent to the master. The student felt relieved that a picture had been taken. The thoughts of what could of happened if there had been no picture was horrifying. At least now the student would get a short while of nothing. At least until the message came that another picture had to be taken.

I just want to thank everyone who's reading this and, hopefully, liking it! Hopefully this story will be finished by the end of summer(but maybe not because I've had a bit of writers block lately.) Thank you again! 


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