Chapter 40 - Music

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Amanda's POV

The room was empty, and I had just discovered my guitar that laid beneath my bed. In true desire I had taken it out and started strumming on the strings. It was like riding a bike, I never forgot it even if it felt a bit weird playing after such a long time. I had no idea what to expect from playing. After strumming on guitar for a short while I decided to take it out to the common room, where I knew Scorpius would be. I had seen him earlier when I had gone to my room.

"Scorpius, you need to listen to this song and tell me what you think", I called out as I hurried into the room and sat down next to him. He looked up from the book in his hands. I could see that the book had something to do with school, but I did not feel bad at all about interrupting him in his studies. He didn't seem to mind much either mind.

"What is it?", he wondered curious to see what I was up to. I started playing the upbeat tune to the song I had in mind and then started singing the lyrics. I knew what the song was called, but I did not have it on my iPod. It was a great song and I really wished that I had, had it. The reason to why I wanted to play it for Scorpius was that I knew that he would appreciate the song. Once I looked at his face I also saw that he was. He was concentrating on my fingers, how they quickly changed ackord.

"Your voice is great!", was the first thing that he said after I had finished playing the song. I hadn't really thought about the show I had put up infront of the rest of the rest of the common room, at least not until the comment. There hadn't been a lot of kids there, only a gang of seventh years and a few first years. They were all staring at me. I did my best to ignore them.

"Yeah, but what did you think about the song?", I asked him, trying to steer the conversation the way I had intended it to go. I then leaned back on the couch and laid the guitar over my stomach. Scorpius also got into a more comfortable position before answering.

"It was really good. I loved the lyrics and the rawness of the song. It was great", he told me and a small smile spread on my lips as I started to strum a little on the strings. An old song that I remembered how my parents hadn't wanted me to listen to came to mind. I had been fourteen when I had discovered it and also a bit rebellious. Therefor I had immediately gone to learn the song.

I started to play it while lowly singing along, almost just muttering the lyrics. My playing was lazy, but it wasn't as if I was trying to hard. Once the curse words in the song came I couldn't help but smile a little bit more. It felt so nice expressing myself in the way I was that I couldn't care less about what others thought about cursing.

Scorpius laughed a little at one of the lyrics, that I had to agree was a bit silly. It seemed to be so weird in the serious subject the song was actually about. When I played the last ackord I let my hand rest on the body of the guitar and I only stared into nothingness. I could relate to the subject on so many levels, but I also couldn't, it was confusing.

I suddenly shock off all of the deep thoughts and looked up at Scorpius. He was looking at me with a wondering look. I smiled at him and put my arm around his shoulders. Before he could answer what was wrong, which I knew that he wanted to, I decided to give him an answer.

"It was a long time ago that I learned this song, and everything was very different. It was easy times and I guess I miss it. You'll understand when you get older." The last part I added jokingly and rubbed scorpius head a little which messed up his hair a little. Instead of fighting me Scorpius reached out and messed up my hair. I rolled my eyes and tried to straighten out my hair once more.

"The past always seems easier because you now know that you made it and it's done. This still seems hard, but in the future you will look at this time as the easy years." Maybe he was right regarding most people, but I was pretty sure that I would never look at those times as easy.

"Seriously, how can you always be so deep?" Scorpius smiled a little cockily before putting his arm around my shoulders the same way I had done earlier.

"I use my brain to think and then I draw conclusions. You'll understand when you're older." I couldn't help but laugh at the last part. Of course he would throw my own words back at me. I decided to only roll my eyes at his stupidness. I then closed my eyes and yawned.

"I think I'm going to head of to bed before I fall asleep here", I told Scorpius as I tiredly got up from the couch. I had felt how the relaxation of what I had been doing had drawn me into tiredness.

"Night", Scorpius told me with a smile before picking up his book and starting to read it again. I smiled and started to head up the stairs to my dorm. I knew that it wasn't late yet, but sometimes you needed was early nights, when you could just fall asleep and know that for once you would get all the sleep you needed. That was what I needed that night.


It was hot, almost a little stifling. I felt incredibly uncomfortable, especially since I had no idea where I was. The location didn't seem to match with any memory of mine. It was a house, like any other. The only difference was that it seemed empty and lifeless, even with the whole place filled with furniture.

The softest tune I had ever heard played from another room in the house. It was a piano playing a slow song. I heard every note playing. It was a beautiful song, but the situation made it eerie. The same way a lullaby could give one chills in a horror movie. Even though the feeling in my stomach told me not to go towards the other room, I couldn't help it. Not only was the curiosity killing me, I felt almost drawn towards the sound.

My foot took one step into the new room and I felt how I was suddenly ice-cold. My body temperature dropped and I had to hug myself to keep warm. What I saw inside the room was a bigger distraction the the temperature drop. The piano I had earlier heard being played was in the room and music was coming from it, but there wasn't a person playing. I could see the notes being pushed down, but there wasn't anyone there to do it. The thought of an unknown force doing this made me beyond scared. It made me terrified.

I took in the rest of my surroundings and noticed how the walls were covered by frost and there wasn't any other furniture except the piano. I took a deep breath that was later released in a cloud. I rubbed my lips against each other, in hopes of them getting moist, but they stayed frozen.

As I turned around to head out of the door I saw that it had disappeared. The only things left in the room was the still playing piano and myself. There wasn't a way of me getting out, and I could feel the temperature affect me more by the seconds. The thought that I might freeze to death struck me, but for some reason I didn't feel any fright about that. The thing that scared me the most was the piano, and the reason to why it could be playing.

"Little Kitty", the words were almost murmured into my mind. Spoken in an anonymous voice that disappeared from my memory the second I had heard it. The words were still left in my mind, though. It was the messengers words. I knew it.

I started to turn inside the room, in hopes of finding person who had spoken the words. There wasn't anyone there. It was as if the words hadn't been spoken at all, as if I had imagined it. I knew that I hadn't. My mind wouldn't have just made it up, no matter what.

"Little Kitty." This time the voice sounded as if it was whispered harshly in my ear. The surprise made me jolt in the dream. The same jolt also brought me back to reality and I had found a way to escape the room.

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