Text #102!

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Lucy: Hey, Natsu

Natsu: What's up Luce? Everything alright?

Lucy: Yeah, everything's fine.. It's just I can't find Happy. I've been looking all over the place for him, but he's just disappeared!

Lucy: No one's seen him either... Do you know where he could've run off to? I'm not gonna lie, I'm worried about him! What if he gets hurt somehow??

Natsu: Relax, Luce. He's just gone off with this chick called Rebecca for a little while. She needed some help and he volunteered to go along with her. He'll be back soon.

Lucy: ... Who tf is Rebecca

Natsu: \(•_•)/ tbh, I dunno

Lucy: .............

A/N: Reference to 'Eden's Zero' (Hiro Mashima's new manga series)! Rebecca is one of the main characters, and yes, Happy travels with her. I honestly don't know what to think of Eden's Zero :/ It kind of seems really similar to Fairy Tail (character wise, anyway). Ah well.

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