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I woke up to some annoying loud noises. They sounded like footsteps but with some heavy metal shoes, and there were also some kicks.

"What is this?!" I screamed, putting my pink robe on. "JARED!"

Click-Clock Click-Clock! The sound kept increasing in volume. Click-Clock Click-Clock!

I ran down the stairs, because that's where I thought the sound came from.

"Er—moring, Cait!" Jared smiled to me, but his smile faded when he saw how angry I looked.

"What's that sound?!" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible but I knew I only sounded like a grumpy old lady.

"What sound?" Jared fake laughed. But i gave him a look that made him change his mind. "Oh, that sound...well, I tried to wash our swimsuits"


"Well...I must've put the wrong soap into the washing mashine. I think it broke down or something."

"You think?!"

That's when I noticed the smell. As soon as I realised what the washing mashine was giving off, I ran to it and plugged it off.

"Are you insane, Jared?!" I screamed. "That thing could have EXPLODED!"

"My—my bad..." Jared was now looking at the floor, acting like he had been defeated. Growing up, he had always been the mature kid, the one that took care of me, his sister, and took all the matters in his hands.

I took the telephone that stood on the coffee table and dialed 678.

"What are you doing?" Jared asked confused.

"I'm calling the reception" I said, waiting for them to pick up. "They need to fix our washing mashine, right?"


"They said they don't have any room left" Jared said, coming from the reception. "We'll have to sleep in the staff common room. They can set some nice beds for us but that's all they can do"

After some people came to look at our washing mashine, they came to the conclusion that there were more things wrong in that room, mainly because when the washer had broken down some short circuit had happened. They had to replace some wires but we couldn't sleep there because it wasn't safe, at least today.

"Hey, I have an idea" Jared said, giving me a Dora the explorer look. "We could ask Kaiden to sleep in his room. He has two couches and one free bed anyway, so I'm pretty sure he'll help us"

"You have known the kid for 5 days and now you want to sleep with him?!" I ask

"First of all, that sound way to weird when you say it. And second, I just found out our parents know each other or something. Our mothers apparently went to the same high school and used to be really good friends but them they lost touch. Amazing, right?"

I was trying to process what Jared had just told me. Was I literally going to sleep in the same room with a guy who was flirting with me a lot but had just known me a couple of days ago??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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