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"Caitlin, I'd like you to meet Kaiden!" my brother said, patting the guy next to him on the back. "We met a few days ago and hung out since. He told me he wanted to go to the same restautant as we did, so I thought why not invite him over!"

The stranger looked at me and gave me a smile. "Hi, nice to meet you, Caitlin!" I noticed he had a slight accent. British, I thought.

"Nice to meet you too" I said, returing his smile.

The boy was very handsome, probably handsomer than my brother who was basically a male me, and of whom all the girls in my school were crazy about. He had curly hair, green eyes, full lips and was pretty tall. He was wearing a white linen shirt and a pair of black jeans. He was probably about the same age as we were.

"So, I think we shall go" Jared said when he noticed me and Kaiden looking at each other probably for a way too long time. He looked good. Very good, I could say. But I wasn't looking for a boyfriend at that moment. My ex, Adam Hobphorne, and I had broken up 3 days before because he switched schools and said he "wanted to start all over again". I mean...he was just 15? There was no need to act like he was 30 and moving to France to start over as a farmer!! However, I had moved on a very long time ago. The only problem was that I didn't want to get a boyfriend so soon, so I thought I had to wait.

"I'll have a tomato soup" I told the waiter, closing the menu.

"I'll have the same thing as her" Kaiden said, winking at me. Was he flirting?!

"So, Kaiden, where are you from?" I asked pouring myself some water. If this guy was my brother's friend, then he was definitely going to spend a lot of time with us. And if he was going go spend much time with us, I wanted to get to know him better.

"Well, I'm originally from London, but me and my family have recently moved to Boston"

"Nice" I replied, raising my eyebrows. "Have you got any brothers or sister? Who are you here with?"

"No, I'm an only chid. And I'm here with my cousin, Jo. Well, we have separate rooms and I haven't seen her in 3 days because she's always surfing and stuff" Kaiden rearanged his curls, so now he looked even better than before.

His green eyes were shining in the pale light of the lamps of the restaurant patio and his smile was giving me butterflies in my stomack. Suddenly, everyone's voice was blending into the sound of waves crashing and Kaiden's voice was the only one that I could hear anymore. But I couldn't let this happen. I tried to focus on something else that him. I mean, I had only known him for an hour and this was happening??

"I—I think I'll go to my room" I said, realising what was going on.

"Are you ok Cait??" Jared asked when he saw I wanted to leave. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"Nah, i'm totally fine!" I replied, giving him a fake smile.

I took the key and my beg and left the restaurant. As I was walking to my room, I felt my phone buzzing. It was Nala.

"Hi" I said after answering the phone.

"I have good news and bad news" she shouted, intrerupting me. "Which one would you like to hear first?"

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