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Everyone had bracelets, rings, headbands or whatever they loved most  as an accessory on them at all times, that showed their moods through colors. Cadi's never turned a full color. Just shades of black, white, gray, faded colors. Cadi couldnt help it. He was the worse. They were the worse. In Highschool you find yourself right? What if you found more than yourself?

gray: broken
Red: anger
Yellow: happy
Blue: sad
Green: confused
Teal: loving (family way)
Purple: romance
Orange: hungry
Rainbow: drunk, high, whatnot
White: content
Dark green: jealous
Dark purple: insanely angry
Dark pink: sexual 😂
Light Gray: bored
Light Blue: Tired
Cream: stressed
Marron: heartbroken
More added later!

AN: hope you enjoy this! Idea kinda by PlaidLucas (or something like that) with their M.C. Bracelets fanfic! I love himmmm omg it was such a cute story lol! Well thanks;)

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