Chapter fifty six

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Harry's POV

I pushed through the doors of the hospital and scanned the waiting room for Liam and Lena. I found him sitting near the front desk, but my pregnant fiance was no where to be seen. 

"Liam!" I called. 

Louis was right behind me, and we made our way over to Liam, who had stood up.

"Where is she?" I demanded.

"She's back there with a nurse. They're checking her out." Liam said. 

"What happened?" Louis asked.

"She fell asleep shortly after Harry left. I let her sleep because I knew she wasn't feeling well. But I decided to wake her up because she needed to take her medicine and drink more water. She wouldn't wake up, no matter what I tried. I even threw water on her face. Nothing." Liam said. "I called an ambulance and then called you." 

"Did the paramedics say anything?" I asked.

"They said they thought she was dangerously dehydrated." Liam said. "She apparently began waking up in the ambulance on the way here, after they gave her an IV."

"Have you heard anything else?" Louis asked. 

Liam shook his head. I sank into the chair next to the one he'd been sitting in, and put my face in my hands. "I shouldn't have left her." I said. 

"It's not your fault, Harry." Liam said, sitting next to me. Louis came around and sat on the other side. "It's mine-I wasn't watching her closely enough." 

"It's neither of your faults." Louis said. "She's sick. Sicker than we thought, apparently." 

I just kept sitting there thinking of how often I have come close to losing Lena for good. It wasn't fair. We had so many days left to spend together, so many things left to do. 

Like get married. 

I'd been in love with this woman for seven years now, it was damn time I married her. I was tired of waiting. So tired. I wanted to give her the world. I wanted to have lots of babies with her. I wanted to grow old with her. 

"Mr. Payne?" a nurse called from the double doors nearby. "You and your friends may come back." 

We all three stood up and followed her down a hall. "She's going to be just fine. She was severely dehydrated. We've gotten some fluids in her system and she's feeling much better." the nurse said. 

"She has the flu." Liam said. 

"Actually, no. She has mononucleosis, or just mono. It's a disease most people get when they're younger, but it's not unheard of at Lena's age. It causes severe weakness and fever, and her pregnancy didn't help. It's transferred through saliva, so if either of you two boys have been kissing her, you should get tested." the nurse said, looking at me and Louis as she said the last part. 

"She stopped letting me kiss her when she started getting sick, she didn't want me to get the flu. That's what our doctor told us she had." I said. 

"You should be fine, but you may want to get a test done anyway with your doctor. How long has she been sick?" the woman asked. 

"About a week and a half." I said. 

"Have you had any fever, fatigue, or headaches?" she asked. 

I shook my head. "You should be fine." she repeated.

"What about my baby?" I asked. 

"The baby is fine, we managed to get the dehydration fixed before it affected the little one. We're going to keep her a little while longer to make sure, though. Our biggest concern with Mono is that it can cause the spleen to enlarge, which means any rough contact with that part of her abdomen could cause it to rupture in bleed. Has the baby begun kicking or moving yet?" she asked. 

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