Chapter twenty five

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Liam's POV

"It's been a year." I said to Ashton. "It's time we get back in touch with her. I mean, I'm her brother."

"She doesn't want to get back in touch, Liam." Ashton said. "Otherwise she would've reached out to us by now. Believe me, she wants nothing to do with us either. She only does because of Keira."

"But we can't just let this go on! I spent fifteen years without my sister!" I cried.

"Liam, you're going to have to stop thinking of lena as that little girl you ran into six years ago. She's not a baby anymore. She's got a daughter. A career. She's had a fiancé that we ruined for her. She's got a new boyfriend." Ashton said.

"A new boyfriend?!" I demanded.

"I think that's what he is. Keira keeps talking about some guy named Theo." He said.

"Theo? What does she say about him?" I asked.

"She just says he comes over to see Mummy, or that he takes her to the park when Mummy's at work." He said.

"And you have no clue who he is?" I asked.

"Not a one." He replied.

"Ask her! Ask Lena!"

"You know as well as I do that lena wouldn't tell me." Ashton said calmly.

"He's around Keira. A lot, apparently. That means you have every right to know who he is. And you can use that." I said.

"Liam, your lack of trust in your sister is the reason she won't speak to you." Ash said.

"I shouldn't trust her! She chose Alan and he tried to kill her, she chose Harry and he nearly did kill her, she chose Justin-"

"And you paid him to marry her." Ashton interrupted.

"Well, he was the only good choice!" I exclaimed.

"You didn't even give your sister a choice!" He cried.

I sighed. "You can't justify what you did to her, Liam. None of us can." Ashton said.

I knew he was right, but I didn't want to admit it. I said nothing.

"Liam, we hurt her. Badly. She doesn't trust any of us anymore. We can't just expect her to call you or Justin or Harry or even me and ask if we could all work it out." He continued.

"Maybe we should reach out to her." I said.

"How do you plan to do that?" He asked.

"I've gotta go, Ashton. I'll be by to see Keira later." I said.

I went to see my niece every time she came to London. But I didn't want her telling her mum she'd seen me-lest lena stop letting her come-so I wore a disguise and my name to her was James. We all saw her often, but never at the same time. Except Zayn. He didn't want to have anything to do with us. He couldn't believe what we'd done to his best friend, and he couldn't believe that we'd made him lose her. I hadn't seen him since the day lena left.

But I had better things to do than worry about that right now.

I had to get the band back together.

Niall's POV

"Blake, can you give Mummy that toy please?" I asked. Kathryn was pregnant again, and she was asking for Blake's new toy so she could pull the sharp object off of it. I had my hands full with dinner, so I was unable to take it from him.

"No." Blake said sassily. He crossed his arms.

"Blake Horan!" Kathryn exclaimed. "Give me that you this minute!"

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