Chapter twenty six

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Lena's POV

I woke up in the arms of the new man of my dreams, who was snoring over my head. I smiled hugely and rolled over so I could see his beautiful face. God, I loved him.

And now I could say that out loud.

I rolled out of bed, carefully, so if didn't wake him up, and put on his t shirt. I also put on some underwear and a pair of yoga pants. After clothing my feet in slippers, I walked to my kitchen and started making pancakes.

I'd never been much of a cook. When Id lived with Liam, one of the boys did the cooking. When Id lived with 5sos, Ashton and I nearly burned down their apartment. And when I lived with Luke, he cooked, as did Justin when I lived with him.

But when Keira and I came to live on our own, Id learned. I could make certain things. Toast, cereal, toaster waffles, and the best macaroni and cheese in the world. Pancakes weren't really my forte, but I knew Theo loved them. So I was going to try.

After awhile, Id managed to make a satisfactory breakfast for the two of us. I'd been singing Broken Music Box-the hit song that used to be sung by Stacey Kelly-and I was enjoying every second of singing and cooking. When I placed the food on the table and turned around to go wake up my boyfriend, I was shocked to see him sitting right behind me.

Shocked. And terrified.

I screamed, nearly knocking everything off the table as I backed up into it before realized it was just Theo.

"Oh my god, Theo!" I cried, breathless.

Theo laughed and stood up, walking over and taking me into his arms. He was wearing his jeans from yesterday, but no shirt.

"You are so beautiful in my shirt." He said.

"Thank you." I said, blushing.

"Did you make all this for me?" He asked.

"I did. Now, I've never made pancakes successfully before, so you have to tell me if they're bad. Okay?" I asked.

"I will." He said.

"Promise?" I asked.


I smiled. "Okay, let's eat." I said.

We sat down at the table and began to eat. I took one bite, and made a face. They weren't as good as liam used to make them. In fact, they were pretty awful.

"Gross." I said.

"Gross? These are delicious." Theo said.

"Don't lie!" I exclaimed. "You promised to tell me if they were bad."

"They're not that bad, love." He said.

He stood up and walked over to me, kissing my forehead.

"I hate them." I said.

"Then don't eat them. Come on. Well go to McDonald's." He said.

He pulled me out of my chair and we left.

"Theo James and Lena Payne in McDonald's. We're gonna be all over the news." I said.

He laughed. "That's the plan." He said.


After a lovely breakfast, Theo and I went to his place and hung out there for awhile. That was I decided to ask him.

"Theo?" I asked.

"Yes love?" He replied.

"I'm performing at the iTunes festival." I said.

"I know, darling."

"I was wondering if you'd come with me."

"Come with you? To London?"

I nodded, chewing on my lip. "I would love to Lena. Ill get it cleared up with work."

I smiled hugely and hugged him. "Thank you so much." I said.

He laughed and have me a kiss.

Now, hopefully my brother would back off.

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