"Maybe i won't found another boy like him" i mumbled and looked at the mirror. "I'll be downstair, i want you to look your best so you can greet the guest. Be down before 8" she said and exited my room. My phone rang and i answer it, "Hello ?".

"Y/n-ah do you want to go to eat ? i found this amazing restaurant and i thought that it would be really nice to have you for dinner" he said and my hearts was fluttering. "Mark...i really want to but i can't. My parents is throwing a party and i need to be here" i said and i sighed. "Oh then its okay, i'll just eat alone" he said and i can know that he is very dissapointed. He hung up before i could talk anything . He texted me an address of the restaurant and told me he would be there if i change my mind.

I went downstairs and the guest was already here. Everyone was dressed with fancy and expensive outfits, they were bragging about their outfit. Some of them were talking about politic issues and more. I can't fit in and my mom was forcing me to talk with some boy.

"So do you like playing polo  ?" he asked me and i was so confused. "Um no, i don't even know what is that.. is it like a game of marco and polo thing ?" i asked him and he scanned me from the bottom to the top. "It is a game where you ride a horse and" before he could even finished talking, i cut him. "Oh yea i know that... Do you go to the arcade ? it is really fun" i said and smiled. "Arcade ? isn't that place is for common people ?" he asked and i sighed. "This won't work" i said and took my water away with me.

My mom still try to hook me up with someone and they were all boring for me. "Honey could you at least try to be polite and nice. God if i had known you were with that boy that you told you just now, i will lock you in your room" she said and glared at me. I was so angry , i decided to go upstairs and change my clothes. I sneak out of the window and went to the address that mark sent to me.

When i got there, i saw mark paying at the counter and he looks so lonely. I walked towards him but then his friends were there, i am not in good terms with his friends so i am a bit scared that they would attack me. I gathered all my courage and walked towards him, it was nerve wrecking because i already know that his friends doesn't like me at all so i don't know what will they react.

"Hey mark" i said and patted mark's back, mark seems happy to see me but his friends well some of them chocked and some of them were spitting back the water that they have drink in the glass. "Y/n" he called out my name and hugged me.

"We already finish eating, you came late" haechan said and i smiled nervously. "I know, i'm sorry" i said and they were all glaring at me. "We're going to get some fresh air at the park, we're going there by our bicycle.. I see that you walk here so you can just follow us from behind" jaemin said and they all walked to their bicycles except mark. "Ignore them, you can ride with me" mark said and held my hands.

I sat at the back seat (A/N : i don't know what it is called so i will say it is the back seat)  and i could feel the wind was blowing. I hold mark's waist tightly and leaned my head on his back, i can hear his heatbeat racing.

When we arrived at the park, there was no one except us. Mark's friend suddenly was shouting and mark also shouted. "Whats going on ?" i asked mark and he looked at me. "Well we always scream to let out the frustration. You should try too" he said and ruffled my hair. "I'll just do it next time" i said and sat on the swings.

"Woah, you really got mark wrapped around your little fingers Y/n" haechan said and mark glared at him. "Haechan, we talked about this haven't we ?" he said and rolled his eyes. "Lets just go straight to the point. Y/n do you like mark the way he likes you ?" haechan asked me and everyone turn quiet. "What do you mean ?" i asked him and he sighed

"GOD, You are either naive or just stupid" he said and mark looked at me. "I got to go now" i said and stood up. "See ? i told you haven't I" haechan said and mark looked down. "Mark...I...I.." i can't figured out what should i say to mark, he looked so sad and it made me unhappy too. "You need me to accompany you right ? Lets go" mark said and took his bicycle with him. His friends looked frustrated and i can heard them sighing.

"Mark, i ruin your night didn't i ?" i asked him and and he shook. "Nah, my friend is always like that. Just chill, they will get used to you soon" he said and patted my shoulders. "I don't think so" i said and we stopped to take a break, my house is kind of far from here so it is exhausting. We sat on a bench and looked at the stars.

Suddenly there was a shooting star. "Oh hurry make a wish" he said and closed his eyes to make one. I did too and when we open our eyes, we looked at each other. "What did you wish for ?" he asked  and I looked away. "I wish for a bright future of course" i said and he nodded. "You ?" i asked and he laughed awkwardly. "it is a secret" he said and we both made an eye contact.

I noticed that mark's face was slowly getting closer to mine and we end up kissing. It felt like there was a spark between me and mark when our lips touched and i putted my hands around mark's neck. "OH MY GOD" i heard one of mark's friend voice and they were running towards us. I slowly pushed mark away and we both blushed.

"You really did it.. you crazy man" jeno said while laughing. They all were teasing mark and i just laughed it amused me. "Hey, do you guys want to crash a party ?" i asked them and i got their attention. "And it isn't just any party, it is the high class,snobby, arrongant people's party" i said and we all smirked. I know this might be wrong but well we only live once so i should give it a try.

Once we got to my house, we got in and everyone was looking at us. "Y/n, where have you been... What are you wearing ? it is not descent" my mom said while walking through some guests. "I think this is wrong" mark whispered and i shook. "Mom, this is my friends and they will be staying here until the party is over" i said and the other guest gapsed. "You're not ruining this for us" my mom whispered while glaring at me. "Well...i already have" i said and she widen up her eyes.

"I don't understand, why are you doing this ?" she asked and i sighed. "I am not ruining this party, i just invited my friends to come over and we're just going to eat. Stop overreacting mom" i said and held mark's hands. "Is this the boy you talked about ? cause if he is..HE WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND. Do you even see what is he wearing right now ?" my mom said and she was furious. "Stop it..Darling let y/n and her friends have fun" my dad finally spoke up and he smiled at me. "If y/n had a feeling for that young boy then let it be" my dad said while taking a sip from his drink.

"Please continue on the party and my wife is kind of stressed out so that is why she is acting like that" he said and the guest continued on their activity. "Well you guys can take anything you want to eat" I said and smiled at the boys. "Really ?" jisung said and i nodded. "Hey Y/n.. we're sorry because we might have hurt your feelings and i know mostly it was me" haechan said and i smiled at him. They all went to the table to take some food except mark. Mark and i went to the backyard for a talk

We laid down on the grass and mark putted his arm behind my head. "Do you think your mom will like me ?" he asked and i hummed. "Yah don't worry, she just need to learn to accept you. My dad support us so you need to relax" i said and i kissed his cheeks. "We're still not official" he said and pushed my forehead . "Oh..." i said and i was actually dissapointed.

"No no don't be sad.. We're not official because i want to make it special, don't you want that ? i mean like every girls wants that" he said and cupped my cheeks. "I don't want it to be special" i said and looked away. "Okay okay" he said and he made me stood up. "You remember when the shooting star passed by ? and i didn't tell you what is my wish" he said and i nodded . "I wish for you. I wish that you will be mine and i guess my wish is granted" he said and pulled me closer to him. "Do you love me like the way i love you ?" he asked me and leaned his forehead on mine (A/N : 2NE1's song is being played on my mind when i read this) . The whole situation made me feel shy and my face was turning red.

"I can't wait all day you know" he said and smiled. I nodded and he kissed my cheeks. "WOO GO MARK" his friends cheered and when we looked at them, haechan was recording the whole thing. It made me feel more embarassed and mark chased his friends . Even though i am embarassed, i still want haechan to sent me that video so i could watch it everyday.

Mark suddenly ran towards me then kissed my cheeks multiple times. "I love you" he whispered.

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