Jaemin & Renjun (REQUESTED)

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This is requested by renjunhuang0203 and i hoped you like it. I'll improve myself if this turns out to be suck •-• .
Doi P.O.V
I looked over at renjun and he was sitting under a tree, i am guessing that he is drawing right now. Okay you can do this, just remember how you practice in the shower this morning. He won't able to say no when he saw my confidence, right ?

I gather up my courage and walked towards him. "Renjun, i need to talk
to you" i said and he put his book aside. "Yea sure, tell me. Is it a secret ? cause if it is, i am really good at keeping it" he said and laughed, Gosh the laugh of an angel really can make you melt. "Actuallyihaveacrushonyousodoyouwanttogoonadatewithme ?" i said quicky as if i was rapping then i was out of breath. "Um Doi, i really can't understand if you said it quickly. You need to relax and be cool" Renjun said and patted my shoulders, MY CRUSH JUST TOUCH ME. Yes it is true people, Huang renjun just touched my shoulders.

I took in some air and said, "Actually i have a crush on you so
do you want to go on a date with me ?" i asked him and he looked so shock. "Doi..i-i-i umm" renjun hesitated and he looked around. "Babe, i'm here" I saw a girl approaching towards us while waving at renjun. "Doi, i can't be with you. I already have someone else" He said and i looked down then nodded. "Well that is understanable. I'll just get going now" i replied and walked away.

What was i thinking ? I will never be with renjun, he is in another level . God i felt so embarassed, I messed things up with renjun. I walked to the park and sat on the swings, i just sighed and looked down. Suddenly someone pushed my swing and i turn behind, it was jaemin. "Having a rough day ?" Jaemind asked and gave me an ice cream. "Well i got rejected, how about you ?" i said and he sat down at the swings next to me.

"I fall infront of everyone ..but i guess your day is more worst than mine" he said and laugh awkwardly. "I just hope things would be okay tomorrow" i said and licked the ice cream that jaemin just gave me.

Jaemin P.O.V

"It would be fine Doi, just forget about that boy. You deserve better" i said and held her hands. "Yea maybe you're right" she said and took her hands away. "I am lucky to have you as a friend and brother "
she said and my heart aches when i heard the word "Friend" & "Brother", when will she realised that i'm here.

"Jaemin, its getting late. Lets go home and wanna meet up at the nearby cafe tomorrow ?" she asked me and i nodded. I looked as she dissapeared from my sight, Tomorrow is my chance to ask her out but i'm afraid that she would reject me and we won't be the same after that. I AM IN A DILEMMA RIGHT NOW, jaemin you need to make up your mind. Of course i don't want to be stuck in the friend zone but i also don't want to get hurt.

-The Next day-

I went to the cafe and waited for Doi about half an hour now. I put the flowers that i wanted to give to her at my lap and drink my caramel latte. "Hey Doi , i really like
you so please accept my love" i said and give the flower. "No No she will feel it is too cringey.. Wait she said that she likes bad boy.. Ehem ehem.. Yah Doi, i like you so lets date " i said and put on my serious face then put the flower on top of the table. "What the hell no no--" suddenly someone cuts me off, "Um sir, are you okay ? do
you want me to call the ..hospital maybe ?" a worker asked and my face became red, i didn't know that i was that loud. "I'm sorry, i was just practicing so...um sorry for disturbing the peace" i said and the worker bowed then went back to the counter.

I already finished drinking my caramel latte and Doi still wasn't here. I took out my phone from my pocket and called her, she didn't picked up. I laid my head at the table and sighed, the flowers isn't fresh anymore and it is getting cloudy. "Did she forget about meeting me ?" I asked myself and stood up. I took the flowers and exited the cafe.

When i walked through the park, i saw Doi under a tree so i quickly run towards her but then i saw a boy next to her. They look really comfortable with each other until Doi let him held her hands, if i did that Doi would take away her hands. I felt so dissapointed and she leave me all alone at the cafe just for that guy. I walked to them and held Doi's shoulders. "Doi ?" i called her and she looked at me.

Renjun P.O.V

- Earlier -

I walked around at the park and i sighed. My girlfriend cheated on me and she said that i wasn't her type, she used me for my money. I'm so stupid to even believed her sweet lies. Now i feel guilty for Doi, she confess to me and her eyes even sparkled but i rejected her.

I sat down at the bench and looked across the street then there is Doi. She was walking and i saw her smile, i never knew that her smiles are that beautiful. I quickly get up and went to her, "DOI , DOI , DOI" i called out her name and she turned behind. I waved at her and she just freeze, i walked to her. "Doi ..um about yesterday..i-i-i wanted to say i'm sorry" I said and looked down, she lifted me chin and smiled. "Its fine .By the way, why do you looked so sad today ?" she asked me and i was shocked that she noticed i was sad . I told her the whole thing and she was definately angry at my ex girlfriend.

"You wait at the park, i'll get you something that can make you feel better" Doi said and went into a convenient store while i went to the park. I sat back down at the bench and looked at the sky then suddenly i felt something cold touching my cheeks. I was startled and when i looked at Doi's face, she is kind of cute actually. "I bought you ice cream to make you feel better, My best friend, Jaemin, always buy me this when i'm upset so" she said while giving me the ice cream.

When we're eating the ice cream, i scanned her from the head to the toe and she even wore some makeup. "Hey Doi, are you going to meet up with someone ? why are you dressed up ? is it a boy ?" i asked her and she let out a soft laughed. "Yes i am but that person would understand" she said and continued eating the ice cream. After that we played at the playground and to be honest, it is alot of fun being around Doi. She is so cute and cheerful, i regret for rejecting her yesterday.

It is slowly getting cloudy and We both rest under a tree. "Today is a very fun day Doi" i said and she smiled at me. I slowly held her hand and i was shocked because she didn't scold me or anything. "Yes agreed" she said and i looked at her. "What ?" she asked me and i shook. "Nothing..Its just your so beautiful" i said and she laughed.

"Doi ?" A boy called her name and he held doi's shoulder. I pushed his hands away, "What do you think you're doing" i said and that boy gave me a disgusting look. "Doi, please explain who i am to you" he said and we both looked at Doi in the same time. "Renjun this is my best friend, Jaemin," she said while hugging jaemin's arm.

"Ohhh okay. Hi jaemin, i'm renjun" i introduce myself to him but he rolled his eyes. "Doi, why didn't you come to the cafe ? i waited for you there like for hours" jaemin said and clearly doi was nervous to answer him. "She said that you would understand if she is here with me. She helped me alot today" i said and putted my hands over her shoulder then pulled her closer to me.

"Oh....Yea i totally understand that. Its okay Doi, of course renjun is more important than me" Jaemin said and he laughed awkwardly then gave Doi a bouquet of flowers. "Well the flower was fresh but it isn't now.. Just like my feelings i guess HAHHAA, i'm just kidding" Jaemin said and walked off.

Doi P.O.V

I looked as Jaemin walked away and i looked at the flower. Now i feel bad for ditching him at the cafe just for renjun. "Renjun, i need to go to jaemin now" i said and renjun held my wrist. "Wait...don't you want to be with me ?" he asked me and i sighed. "Renjun..i think that you deserve better than me and i know by next week, you'll get a new girlfriend that is nice and sweet as you are. But now, i need to find jaemin before anything bad happen" i replied and renjun loosen his grip. "I understand, love can make you blind and you won't realised the person who really love you is just behind you. I have learn from my lesson and so do you, I hope we can be friends maybe ?" Renjun said and i nodded . Renjun and I parted ways after saying goodbye

I went to jaemin's house and knocked on the door multiple times, He finally opened the door. "Jaemin.. I'm sorry" i said and hugged him tightly. "I was too busy trying to make renjun like me until i didn't realised my prince charming was right behind me" I said and jaemin slowly hugged me back then he patted me back.

We both looked at each other and Jaemin kissed me. I was shocked but i kissed him back. "NA JAEMIN, WHY ARE YOUR ROOM STILL MESSY" i heard his mom yelling and we stopped kissing (A/n : sounds weird) . "That just ruin the moment" he said and i laughed. "I'll help you to clean the room, lets go" i said and held his hand.

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