Class of 2018?

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Bram's pov

I finally made it to the main office where the principal was waiting for me. It crutched my way through the back hallway to be able to get to his office. He had a pretty serious look on his face which made me a little more nervous than I was before. I genuinely had no idea why he had called me in here. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked finally breaking the silence. 

"We just have a lot we need to talk about." 

"um okay. Did I do something wrong? " 

"There's no easy way to break this to you, but you're in danger of not graduating this year." 

"what? how is that possible? I've been doing all my work and I'm in the process of re taking all of my tests and I have almost all of my credits. How did this happen?" 

"You were out for one month almost two. You've missed countless of class exams, two AP exams and so many lessons we aren't sure if you can pass the required end of course exams. " 

" I haven't miss the make-up AP exams yet so I can take those. I'm staying late almost everyday to get caught up on the lessons I've missed so I can take the class exams. I'll be fine" 

"You also have missed all of the prep and last minute studying for the AP tests. " 

"This isn't my first AP I know how these tests work. " 

"That's not what we are worried about. I'm aware that you know how the tests are structured. I'm just worried that you don't know the material well enough to pass them" 

Honestly I don't know how this day could get any worse. 

"We've talked to your dad to let him know what's going on. He said he is on his was over here now so we can talk about your options." 

And it just did

"Why didn't you call my mom?" 

"We tried her several times, but she didn't respond so we called your dad and he happened to be in the area, so he said he would come and talk. " 

"well what are my options?" 

"We'll talk about them when your dad gets here." 

We waited another five minutes in silence until my dad finally got here. I honestly think it's complete bullshit that he even has to be here to be able to discuss something that wouldn't even effect him. I'm the one that has to work my ass of to try and graduate, but he has to be here to decide how I do it. He wouldn't even be involved in it, it would all be on me. Why the hell does he have to be here. 

"Sorry about the wait I got here as fast as I could" my dad said as he shakes hands with Mr. Worth

"Oh it's not a problem. Thank you for coming in on such short notice." 

"Now can we talk about my options?" I ask 

" of course, please take a sit Mr. Greenfeld" 

"So, we've came up with a few different options. The first is that he re takes his classes that we are missing credits for again next year and graduates with next year's class, he can re join the soccer team and any other extracurriculars that he did this year, or he can re take his classes now and over summer and he would be able to get his diploma once he finishes. He just wouldn't be able to walk at graduation with the rest of his class." 

"Well I think the obvious option is the first one" my dad says before I can even get a word out. 

"No way. I'm graduating this year and walking with my class.I know I can do this." 

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