Detective Garrett

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Bram's pov

So it's been a few days since the whole thing with my step mom and dad. Garrett for some reason was really into getting to the bottom of whatever the hell was going on with my dad. He hasn't come up with much, but he just texted me saying that he think he found something and now he's on his way over here. Madison hasn't called or texted me since the whole thing went down, but I let her know that if we find anything on my dad at all that we would tell her. My dad hasn't been here either which is why Garrett is trying to find him. He just disappeared. Enough with my boring parents. Let's talk about Simon. Honestly he's the only one I'm still trying for. I know that if I don't try my absolute hardest to get myself back together then he will constantly blame himself for what happened and I can't let him live his life thinking how things would be different if we weren't in the car. He's my motivation and my number one support system. 

"Hey babe" wow talk about speak of the devil 

"Hey my love" 

he comes up to me and plants a small kiss on my lips 

"How are you feeling" 

"Almost the same since the last time that you asked me Si" 

"Oooo sassy" 

"c'mon you have to go to physical therapy" 

" Do I have toooo" I say while giving him the best 'puppy dog eyes' that I could make. 

"Yes you have tooooo" he says mocking me 

 "Fine. Can you help me into my wheelchair." 

"Of course." 

"BRAMMMMM" Garrett screams while almost knocking the door down as he entered the room. 

"damn Garrett could you get any louder. We're in a freaking hospital. shut up" 

"oh right I forgot you're on the floor with all of the babies."  and as soon as he said like 4 babies started crying and screaming. 

"What happened?" 

"I found something!!! I have a lead!!!" 

"okay detective Garrett can you please keep your voice down? Why are you acting like we are investigating a murder?" 

"Detective Garrett... has a nice ring to it." 

"Okay for real he has an appointment to get to can you just tell us what you found" Simon said 

"Right sorry. But I saw your dad in the parking lot a few minutes ago...." 

"and? maybe he's finally coming to clear all of this bullshit up" 

"he was with a girl. A girl that wasn't your mom or step mom." 

"was it like an uber driver or something?" 

" depends. Do you make out with your uber drivers?" 


"They were kissing when I saw them. "

"Holy shit. He's cheating on my step mom?" 


"You're sure it was him right?" 

"Yeah 100% positive it was him" 

"Bram it's time for physical therapy" my nurse says as he walked into the room 

"Yeah, I'm coming" 

"We need evidence. No one is going to believe us" 

"I thought you might say that. Which is why I took a picture a few pictures actually. I wanted to make sure it was him so I used my camera to zoom in on the faces and when I saw it was him I took a few pictures." 

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