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Bram's pov

The scout did end up calling me back after I called him last night and I guess he found some more people who automatically took his offer because now I'm waitlisted. He said as soon as he is able to talk to someone about giving another scholarship from soccer he will let me know. I guess there's only a certain amount of scholarships each department is allowed to give. I don't really know if this is a sign or not for me to just stay in Georgia but I just know for sure that my mom is not going to take this waitlisted thing lightly. I don't think Simon will be too happy with me either and I know that he is going to blame this on himself since the biggest reason I didn't take it right away was because I didn't want to leave him.

I was hoping I could hold off with the conversation with my mom but of course as soon as I came downstairs  she was in the kitchen.

"Good morning love" she says to me as I walked in to the kitchen

"Morning mom" 

I'm secretly crossing my fingers that she totally forgot about the fact that I had called the scout last night.

"How did the call with the soccer scout go?" I wasn't expecting her to ask about it that fast


"Abraham" she gives me that mom look as if she was saying tell me everything that's going on and don't leave a single detail out. 

"I called them" 

"And what did they say?"

"Just the usual hope everything is going well speech." 

"Bram tell me what they said." she was definitely starting to lose her patience and I knew that I was going to have to tell her eventually so I should just rip the band aid off now. 

"I got waitlisted." 

"You better be joking with me." before I even got the chance to respond she continued. 

"I told you that you were going to regret not taking it right away because of Simon. I don't understand Bram. You missed out on such a good opportunity because of a boy. " 

"How many times do I have to tell you that he's not just a boy mom" 

"He ruined your chance of going to college for free" 

"He didn't do anything. It was my choice to wait and I waited to long to answer. Simon told me to accept it.There are still so many other schools that could offer me something" 

"You better hope that another offer comes up. I don't understand how you could let a full ride slip right between your hands. You had it. All you had to do was accept it." 

"It just wasn't the right school for me." 

"I hope not because now you have no chance to go there." 

"I'm waitlisted. There's still a little bit of a chance. He told me he was going to check if the soccer program was eligible to give out another few scholarships and I'd be the first person that he would call." 

"What are the chances of there being a few more openings?" 

"I don't know what you want from me mom. I called him back I'm sorry it's not the outcome you wanted. But maybe it's for the best. " 

"I wanted you to accept it when he offered it the first time. There was no reason for you to be waitlisted. I want the best and only the best for you."

"Just let it work itself out. I'll be applying to other colleges in the meantime and going for every scholarship each school has to offer." she didn't respond to me after that so I took that as my signal to leave her alone for now and I walked back upstairs. 

My phone lit up just as I was sitting down at my desk. It was a text from nick. 

NICK: how did the call with the scouts go? 

I forgot that I had told him that I was going to call them back.  After I had mentioned that I was going to accept I'd never seen him so happy with me. He really wanted us to go to school together and now I'm finally starting to feel the guilt of not calling sooner sink in. 

BRAM: They put me on the waitlist :/ 

NICK: Damn bro I'm sorry. they don't know what they are missing out on!

I can't really tell if I'm happy or not that they put me on the waitlist. I know it sucks since I missed out on a full ride but at least now I have a legit reason as to why I can go to school with Simon and follow the plan before the full ride was in the picture. 

NICK: At least there's still a chance

BRAM: true true 

Now all that I needed to do was let Simon know that they put me on the waitlist. I know for sure that he's going to be mad at himself but in the end it was my decision.

I called him  and asked him if there were any way that we could meet up today so I could tell him something. I didn't want it getting out the same way that my acceptance got around to him and I wanted him to hear the news from me this time. 

He told me that I could go over to his house and that right now is a perfect time so that what I did. 

Before walking in I tried my best to prepare my self  because I knew he was going to be pissed. Definitely at me but I think he's going to be more mad at himself. 

The front door was unlocked so I just walked in and saw that his parents weren't home. 

"Simon am I allowed to be here this time?" last time no one was home he got grounded from coming over to see me for an extra week. I don't think I can handle that again . 

He comes into the room laughing but I was being dead serious about that. 

"Yes I'm finally ungrounded. " 

"Are you lying to me? I'm not trying to have your dad or mom kick my ass" 

"No I swear. I even texted them asking if you could come over. " 

"Okay good. " he gave me a quick kiss and then asked me what I needed to talk to him about. 

"I called the scout back from North Carolina." 

"Yeah? What did he say?" 

"He put me onto the waitlist. He said as soon as there is another opening I'd be the first person that he would call. " 

"Damnit Bram. Why didn't you just accept it right away?"

"Relax babe. There's so many other schools."

"Not many schools who will offer you a full ride." 

"I know" I guess he could kind of sense that I was sort of upset about missing the opportunity because he just shook it off and didn't really fight with me about it for much longer. 

"I'm sorry that you were waitlisted but there will be so many offers. You're so talented baby the schools are crazy if they decline you." 

"Thank you" I smile at him and then give him a quick peck on the lips 

"I have news for you too!" he says while pulling away from me. 

"What is it?" 

"my family is having a family reunion next weekend and I want them to meet you! We're driving up on friday morning" 


I know it's a lot shorter than normal please don't hate me haha. I hope everyone enjoyed this little filler chapter :))))

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