"Not anytime soon, I haven't called truce yet." Joy glared at Sungjae's direction. Although she admit that it was her fault for acting that way, Sungjae's the reason why she did that.

"aigo, you and your pride." Wendy shake her head smiling and waved at the girls before taking Suga's arm. "We're going."

After Wendy left, Taehyung also came to get Irene saying it was too late for her to stay up and unbeknownts to Joy, Sungjae was also behind her wanting to talk to her. Sungjae grab her by the arm and took her around a corner where seldom of the guests pass by.

"What's wrong with you?" Sungjae immediately went straight to the point.

Joy looked away and didn't answer. If she told him now, he'll found it annoying and he might get angry. Although he didn't know, Joy think that he'd atleast have an idea to what it was. If it means that she can save their relationship and Sungjae's business , Joy will do what it takes and with that in mind, she decided to keep her lip tight.

"You're really not going to tell me? Then, I have no choice but to ask someone else." Sungjae said impatiently.

Joy looked up at him, Oh no! Is he going to that girl? He can't! that girl will surely tell her what happened.

Joy grabbed Sungjae's sleeve when he was about to leave. "D-don't go to her! I promise it wasn't my intention but I just can't take it when she kept on clinging to you that i grabbed her--" Joy's eyes widen at her sudden confession. pabo!

Sungjae's expression didn't change although inside he was quite surprised at her words. Joy rarely make her jealousy known though it was not the first time that someone makes a move to him that Sungjae started to wonder if she ever get jealous at all so he didn't try to get rid of the heiress girl and watched what her reaction will be but she never really gave him the reaction that he wanted. Sungjae stopped Joy's hand when she started hitting her head as if she's an idiot.

"So... that's what it's all about?"

Joy felt sad suddenly, it didn't even help that Sungjae gave her no reaction at all. He's angry!

"Why didn't you tell me?"

It was awhile before Joy answered. "I was afraid... You know that I'm not like that right? but my temper got the best of me. It was too late when I realized that I did it."

Still Sungjae gave her no reaction that Joy felt that he was really angry. This is why she didn't like it when she get angry over the girls clinging to him. Ever since they've been together, she tried her best to keep her cool and act like it doesn't affect her because he told her from the beginning that he doesn't like girls who easily get jealous, that's why Joy made sure to keep her expression straight whenever there are girls around him though at times, she can't help but cry over it in the comfort room or anywhere where he can't see her.

Just thinking about all the trouble she got into just to make sure he won't know made her cry, it's over now. He already know.

She was just surprised when a pair of arms hugged her and she felt herself cried harder. "I'm sorry... I promise I won't get jealous again so please... don't break up with me." Joy said between tears.

Sungjae can't think of anything else but what he feel for the girl in his arms, he just remembered that he told her he doesn't like girls who easily get jealous, he didn't know that she took it seriously. His feelings just swelled suddenly, he can't help but love her even more. It must've been hard for her to keep it all to herself. Funny how he was the one who said that and yet he's the one who's asking for her to get jealous.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry... I've been dumb and naive. I should have known that you were having a hard time. I'm sorry."

Sungjae let go of her and looked at her at arms length. Joy stopped crying but her eyes were red and swollen.

"I won't ever get angry at you for being jealous, I asked for it. And  starting today you can tell me if you're jealous or what, okay?"

Joy nodded and hugged him again, Sungjae hugged her back. "And one thing, I should be thanking you."

Joy pulled away but still hugging him by the waist, she looked at him wondering what for. Sungjae grinned and pinched her cheeks.

"I also don't like that girl, I'm glad you taught her a lesson for me. Besides I already know what you did to her before you told me that." It was quite a shock when Sungjae heard it from Changsub hyung who saw the whole thing.

Joy's mouth dropped at his confession, she can't help but smile widely and slapped Sungjae's arm. "You're evil."

Sungjae wiggled his eyebrows before kissing Joy lightly on the lips and whispered. "My girlfriend taught me."


See you next update! :)

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