I set her down gently and lifted the seat up before she leaned over it and gagged. I took the water from her hand and set it down next to the toilet before I moved to hold her hair back. Iris heaved a couple more times before she actually threw up. Gently, I rubbed her back and kept her hair out of her face.

"Oh god I am so sorry, this is so embarrassing" Iris said as she sat up and used some toilet paper to wipe her mouth.

I just smiled and handed her the water, "Don't worry about it, you're not the first drunk friend I've had to look after." I winked, "But you are the cutest." I added and I swear she blushed slightly.

A large hiccup erupted through her, causing her to splash most of the glass down the front of her shirt. It stuck to her awkwardly and she squealed at the feeling. "It's chilly."

I chuckled slightly at her pout on her face. "Do you want another shirt?" I asked gently as she unraveled nearly the entire roll of toilet paper trying to mop up the water. She nodded drunkenly as I quickly stepped out of the room. I returned with a simple t-shirt shortly after. She thanked me and took it, moving to take off her shirt. I quickly turned around, hiding my face in my hands. A few moment went by before she spoke up.

"Uh, Sergio?" She spoke so softly I would have missed it if anyone else was in the room.

I turned, peeking through my fingers to see her arms over her head, tangled gracelessly in her shirt. Her chin was the only part of her face that was visible. My cheeks turned hot as I tried to clear my throat. "Um-" my voice cracked, "What's, uh, what's wrong?" I was looking anywhere but at her. She was bare aside from the black bra she was wearing and it put me in a position I was trying to avoid tonight.

Iris's voice was muffled through the shirt, "I'm kind of stuck, can you help?" I nodded as if she could see him right now and walked over to her.

Hesitantly I reached out, my hands shaking slightly as I did so. Why was I acting like I'd never touched a girl before? Iris had a way about her that made me act like a fool whenever she was around. Why couldn't I just be smooth and charismatic like I usually was? I had liked girls before and had never behaved this way.

"Pull your head down and I'll pull the shirt up." I instructed and Iris followed what I said. Slowly but surely we were able to get her out of the wet top she was wearing.

Once she was free I turned my back again, giving her a little privacy to pull on the shirt I brought in.

"What are you doing?" Iris asked, causing me to turn back around. She was just moving her arms through the oversized sleeves and adjusting the shirt.

"I- uh, I was just giving you some privacy." My voice cracked again slightly and I couldn't help the bright red color my face began to take on.

"You didn't have to, I had a bra on." She shrugged off my comment.

"Yeah but-" I started but Iris held a hand up before quickly turning and hunching herself back over the toilet bowl. I moved quickly to her side and held her hair back again. After a few minutes she was able to calm herself down enough to stop throwing up. I softly rubbed her back some more before I left to refill her glass.

Iris used some of the water to rinse her mouth out before flushing the toilet and sitting against the wall of the bathroom with me next to her. "This is so gross, you don't have to stay here and watch." She said, clearly embarrassed to be seen in such a state.

I just shrugged and looked at her, "Nah, I don't mind, I gotta make sure you're alright." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Thank you." She said quietly, leaning her head on my shoulder again but this time, I rested mine on top of hers. I was enjoying the closeness and warmth we were sharing but it came to an end too soon.

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