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3rd Person

Bakugou stepped into the crowded classroom, his head tilted down while carrying a binder and his phone. The noisy classroom was hushed by the bell, and the boy looked up, examining the classroom. There were only a couple of desks open, one in the front and one in the back. As he was about to make his way to the seat in the back, a hand landed on his shoulder. He stopped and turned his head, glaring at the teacher that stopped him. "Bakugou, I think the front desk would be a wiser decision." She suggested, patting his shoulder before letting go. The blonde just made a "Tch" sound, and made his way towards the back.

The teacher sighed and began lecturing. Kirishima sighed with her, his eyes heavily lidded and baggy. He was HELLLAA tired. The night before had been rough, if you know what I mean.

Yeah, studying until 3 AM and waking up at 6.

Yet somehow, he still ended up failing the quiz.


A sad expression covered Kirishima's face as he gathered his things and left the classroom. He trudged down the hallway, when suddenly, he crashed into someone. He quickly got up, apologizing. They went on their way, and Kirishima noticed a billboard on the wall beside him. He looked closer and read a paper, "Call for free tutor!!". His face brightened and expression shifted. He ripped the paper off of the billboard and left the school.

Bakugou walked towards his car, backpack in hand. He reached for the handle of the car door, when his phone rang. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and picked up. "Hello?" "Hey, my name's Eijirou Kirishima. I saw your flyer on the billboard at school for a free tutor, and called right away!" The voice sounded very happy that Bakugou picked up. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I never put a flyer out for that shit." He replied, getting in his car and starting it. "Oh. Okay.. sorry to bother you." The voice sounded disappointed now. Bakugou sighed. "I can still help you study if you're that desperate though." "Really?! You'll do that?? Wow, thanks!" Kirishima was now obviously elated. "Just name a time and date, I'll be there!"

Saturday, July 7th, 2018, 6:46 PM

Kirishima nervously stepped towards the address that the tutor texted him, and exhaled. It was starting to rain, so he balled up any nerves he had and knocked on the door. He didn't even know who this tutor was! Though it was obviously a male, and they seemed to be caring. But for all he knew it could have been a fake number and some creep talking to him!

He stood at the door, waiting anxiously, but nobody answered. Eventually, he gave in and started walking back into the rain towards his house. He made it to the driveway when a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. Panicking, Kirishima yelled and whipped his arm around, punching the guy. He gasped when he saw who it was, and apologized quickly.

"Jeez, I offer to tutor you and I get punched in the face in return?!" Bakugou said, obviously angry. "Hurry the hell up. It's pouring out here." He said, walking back inside.

Kirishima quickly followed him, now dripping wet.

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