Chapter Thirteen: Amiss

Start from the beginning

Three: judging from the sound of just birds, he was in the middle of nowhere and even if he did escape he wouldn't make it far before they found out and dragged him back.

Four: Whoever had taken him, also probably figured out about James and his relationship after breaking into his flat before.

To sum it up, the kidnapper had the advantage. Murdoch couldn't escape, and if the police found him, then the kidnapper could reveal James Gillies was alive and being protected by Murdoch. There was no way for him to win. He would have to cooperate and pray that whoever had taken him, would release him once he got what he wanted.



James Gillies stumbled through the darkening forest, grinding his teeth with every stab of pain that went through his ankle and still-healing head wound. Shortly, he came across a clearing and decided to sit for a moment. Straining to sit carefully, James spotted something in the dirt in front of him. Stepping closer, his eyes widened with recognization. William's badge was laying there, the front covered in dirt. With renewed strength, Gillies surveyed the area some more and froze when he came upon rust-colored drops on the ground. A cold fury burned within him. His eyes darkened to a murderous gleam. Whoever had hurt William Murdoch was going to die. Following the small drops, James Gillies began his hunt.



Inspector Brackenreid sat at his desk, his head buried in his hands as the sun sank lower and lower. He had just called off his men from the search. It was getting dark and he knew they couldn't find anything once the sun went down. He hadn't given up, but he knew the likely-hood of finding Murdoch at night. For heaven's sake, the lads couldn't even find him in the daylight. Crabtree and Higgins were the last of the lads to go home. They were young and insistent to keep looking but Brackenreid had to put his foot down and send them home. They would be more useful after a good night's sleep, he had said. Luckily, they bought it. Getting up, the inspector trudged into Murdoch's office, looking for any clue that he might have been investigating before he left the night before.

Studying the chalkboard and the layout of Murdoch's flat, he couldn't gain anything from it. It was just his flat. There was nothing spectacular about the shape of it, or where things were placed. He shook his head and leaned over his desk, examining the papers and scribbles Murdoch had written down.

'Weren't after him...after me'

'Looking for something'

'upturned mattress'

'let him escape'

Inspector Brackenreid stared down at the scribbles and shook his head. What the bloody'ell did he mean by 'him?' Who else was Murdoch talking about that could have possibly been in his room? Sure, he wasn't a genius, but even he wasn't daft enough not to realize something was going on that Murdoch was keeping a secret. And after reading these little notes he knew Murdoch had lied to him before too. This wasn't just a coincidental break-in. This was something personal that he was hiding. Normally he would just leave it be, but if this information was what was keeping them from finding the detective, then he had to find out and he knew the one person that would probably be able to help him. Murdoch did say he ahd recently broken off his engagement to Dr.Ogden, but he figured by the way she was taking the news that she knew more than she let on about it too. It was almost 8 o'clock at night, Murdoch had gone missing around 6 that morning. Sure, it was late to be calling on a lady's door but this was for Murdoch and he didn't care.

Inspector Brackenreid stuffed the papers inside his breast pocket, and dawned his hat and cane. He was going to get the truth.

The Inspector arrived shortly after 8 at night at Dr.Julia Ogden's residence. He rapped his cane on the side of the door. Julia answered, surprised to find the Inspector there at such a late hour.

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