Chapter Five- Surprise

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Inspector Brackenreid knocked the door open. Murdoch's heart was pounding so furiously he could have sworn the Inspector could hear it. He prayed Gillies wasn't inside, waiting for them. Yet, at the same time...

"Murdoch," the Inspector whispered, "Take a look around." 

Murdoch stepped into the sparsely clad room, only a bed and dresser occupying it. The floorboards creaked as he entered. The Inspector had his pistol at the ready, his eyes shifting back and forth. Murdoch crept towards the bed and gingerly lifted the blanket to peer beneath. His heart sped forward in those few seconds. Lifting the covers, they found-

"Nothing, sir. He's not here." Murdoch spoke with slight relief, careful though to keep it from sounding suspicious. The Inspector sighed and patted Murdoch lightly on the shoulder. 

"Don't worry, Murdoch. We'll get him eventually. You can count on it." With that, the Inspector exited the room and sent in the constables to look around. Murdoch knew they wouldn't find anything. Gillies was too smart to leave evidence behind. Thinking back on it, Gillies had left bandages and belongings back in Murdoch's room earlier. Either he was certain Murdoch wouldn't turn him in, or...he wanted to get caught. Shaking his head, Murdoch cleared the thought from his mind and left the pub. He needed to get back to his room, just to be sure Gillies was still there, not off doing anything awful. 


The sun had set hours ago, and Murdoch had just made it home. He took off his hat before opening his door and slouched inside. 

"Good Evening, Detective." 

Gillies was still there, and Murdoch was relieved. He opened his eyes only to find Gillies fairly closer than he had sounded. James smiled coyly at the detective and undid Murdoch's tie. Murdoch blushed and looked away, too exhausted to argue. Gillies tilted his head and glanced up at him. 

"What's wrong, Detective? Admitting defeat to me already?" Murdoch smiled wryly and sighed. 

"Unfortunately, yes. I am too exhausted to debate moral standing right now or do anything else for that matter." After his tie and jacket were taken off, Murdoch unfastened his suspenders, tossed off his trousers and shirt and slipped into bed. Gillies watched him contentedly. He noticed the exhaustion in Murdoch's eyes and didn't want to push him any further than he had. He eased himself down beside the detective and watched him intently. 

"Can I help you?" Murdoch asked, teasingly. 

"You're quite comfortable around me, Murdoch. I merely wondered if that were a symptom of exhaustion or trust." 

Murdoch's eyes closed for a moment and he sighed, "I wonder."

Gillies took this more as a confirmation than a rejection and cuddled up closer to Murdoch, allowing the detective to rest his head on his chest. He could see how overwhelmed the detective was and didn't want to cause more trouble with his questions. It could wait a little longer...

Murdoch was falling into a peaceful slumber, Gillies's heartbeat strong and steady in his ear.  He smiled slightly to himself and mumbled, "James." 

Gillies's eyes widened slightly and he closed his eyes. He would never tire of hearing his name being said from those lips. As Murdoch was drifting into a deep slumber, he felt a slight pressure on his head, and then oblivion.

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