Chapter Eleven: Waking Up

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~~Hey Guys, I hope you enjoy this. I know I've been out for a while but I finally have some free time. Please remember to vote and comment~~

The sun peaked through the lacy curtains as William Murdoch rolled over in bed. His arm encountered something and his eyes peered open. James Gillies lay next to him, peaceful and sleeping after a long night of agony brought forth by Dr.Ogden. Murdoch sighed and thought how he would have to apologize for having Julia do that in the first place. She really was a remarkable woman, but there was no way Murdoch could ever love someone else again after meeting James. He knew in his heart that this love was pure and genuine and untainted no matter what The Church preached about homosexuality. Looking at his partner's sleeping face he knew that he would march straight into Hell itself for this man. 

Murdoch ran a finger down the bridge of James's straight nose. He didn't even flinch for how deep a sleep he was in. William smirked and tried running a hand down James's chest. He didn't move a muscle. Feeling exploratory, Murdoch peeled the blanket back from James just enough to see his torso. He was gorgeous in only a thin night shirt. His skin could be seen through the sheer material and William resisted lifting it up to observe the exact hue of his skin. He was so curious, never had he explored someone else's body this way, or even wanted to. William carefully raised the shirt just above his waistline, exposing a small trail of hair that led further down into his trousers. Blushing, he pulled the shirt back down and rolled over so he wasn't facing James. Just thinking about what was underneath there made him realize he wasn't quite ready for that discovery. Closing his eyes, he shifted back into an uneasy sleep full of vivid dreams that mainly featured James Gillies. 


James woke with a start, remembering the agony he had gone through the night before. Wincing, he moved his leg to test it's mobility. He knew he probably couldn't walk for a few days at the very least. Which was not ideal since they probably couldn't stay the inn for too much longer. He sighed and looked next to him, the detective was restless while he was sleeping in bed. James lay back down next to him and observed his expression. William's furrowed brows and partly open mouth made him wonder what exactly he was dreaming of. He smirked and fancied maybe it was about him. Edging closer, he caressed a hand against the detectives exposed neck, feeling the pulse beating rapidly underneath. The detective calmed slightly and James blushed slightly thinking his touch had calmed him. His body felt a stirring and he sighed. Was there nothing about this man that didn't turn him on? Not to mention it WAS morning, and he had little control over certain body parts at this time of day.  Debating what to do, James's hand moved down to his trousers to readjust himself. He really shouldn't be wearing pants to bed. They made situations like this a bit uncomfortable. Shifting to remove them, he watched the detective, hoping not to wake him. After struggling to remove his trousers without hurting his leg, he finally managed and fell back onto the bed. Not having full range of motion in one leg made things too difficult. 

Now only in his boxers, James could feel his erection reach full height without the weight of his trousers pressing down on it. Squirming, he wondered if he could manage to relieve himself without waking William. He knew the detective was not ready for some things and he didn't want to pressure him into anything. No, it was better if he took care of this alone and without William's knowledge.  Easing as far from William as possible in the small bed, James lay on his side, facing away from his partner. That way, if he did wake up, at least he wouldn't catch an eyeful of something he wasn't ready to see. Pushing his boxers down enough to release his member, James reached down, grasping it lightly. He almost groaned, it had been a while since he had relieved himself in this way. Usually he just ignored it, but with William laying next to him looking so tempting, he couldn't help it. 

Stroking slowly up and down his shaft, his mind started playing out different scenarios in his head which were nothing to the thought that the man he wanted to fuck senseless was laying right next to him. He could hear William breathing and sense the heat coming from his body and it was just too much. He grasped his member more firmly, picking up speed. God, what he wouldn't give to be able to take him this very morning and make him experience his first time with the man he loved. James panted lightly and felt the pressure building inside him. Biting his lip, he tried not to moan as Murdoch rolled over in his sleep moving closer to him. They were almost spooning they were so close and James fought the urge to press his ass into William's groin. He wanted to grind against the detective, and cum that way but knew he would only wake him if he tried. William's breath was tickling the back of James's neck. He knew the detective had to be having a strange dream, his breathing was staggered and shallow. James could feel himself on the edge of release but he just couldn't get there. It was like his body knew there was something better than his hand in the room. 

James bit his lip and decided he could move a little closer to William, without waking him up. He just had to be still and not move his hips. So, shifting softly, James backed up into William. He gasped. William's member was erect and pressed into James's ass. He glanced back and saw the detective still soundly asleep. So this was the kind of dream he was having. Barely keeping it together, James pushed back into William's erection and held back a groan. His member throbbed. Oh, this was it, he thought. Pumping his member, James slightly pushed back again, moaning softly. It was almost like William was about to fuck him.

 The detectives erection pressed into him more once he pushed his hips back. James couldn't help moaning softly and decided he didn't care anymore. He just prayed William stayed asleep as he pushed back into him again and again. It was only softly but it was enough touch that James felt himself reaching closer and closer to release. William moaned in his sleep, and his erection grew even harder, causing James to press back more. He picked up speed, effectively causing the sleeping detective to grind into him again and again. The friction was incredible and his dick throbbed with ecstasy. He felt Murdoch's throb against his ass and he knew they were both close. Murdoch kept moaning softly in his sleep with each thrust and James groaned as he pushed back one last time, releasing his seed all over the bed. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt something wet against his back. Smirking, he realized he had managed to get both of them off without the detective even knowing. 

James sighed and rolled to face the detective. He smirked, this was going to be a fun story to tell William later on down the road. 


Okay! Thank you guys for reading. Sorry this was a purely smut chapter. I'm still working on some kinks with the main plot but I should be able to finish the next chapter either later tonight or tomorrow. For now, I hope you enjoyed this one and please remember to vote and comment if you have any ideas or just comments about the story! Thank you so much for reading



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