Chapter 27

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Stefan's POV:

I'm still here, standing in front of this so called magical tree that is supposed to change my life. It's supposed to make me into a human, and to have me get away from the life I hate so much, and that's my life being a vampire.

I stare at the tree, and take one leaf from it, put it into the water bottle that I already had in my hands, and shake it up. It starts to turn a green color, kind of like a protein shake. I look at it before taking the cap off and taking the first sip.

It takes disgusting and I spit it out at first, but then remember that this isn't something to joke about or mess around with, and take another sip and make it down. I drink the rest of the bottle and throw it down on the ground. 

I start to feel myself getting dizzy, like the whole entire world is spinning around me, and then I fall, and close my eyes.


Elena's POV:

It's only been a day since Stefan left to go find his cure. I didn't try and stop him from going, I didn't want him too a first because I didn't want him to get hurt, or lost or anything else. I want him to be human, but that's not the only reason, I know he, himself, wants to be human. He needs to make himself happy and love his own life. He seems down lately, and not himself.

He needs something to lift his spirits.

He didn't bring his cell phone on his trip. He said he just wanted to get away from the world, and left it at home. Away from texting and social media and all that. So I have no way to contact him.

I just hope he's alright.

I decided to call Caroline and Bonnie over for a girl's night. Stefan being gone makes me lonely, and the girls and I haven't had a night together in forever, so this was the perfect chance too do something.

I called both of them and they were both excited and were up and knocking at my door in no time.

They came inside, setting their bags in my room, and then came back downstairs and took a seat on the couch, across from the chair I was sitting in.

''I've missed you guys.'' Caroline spoke. ''It seems like we've been too into guys lately and have totally forgot about these moments.''

''Speak for yourself.'' Bonnie said. ''And Elena. I'm single, and I'm keeping it that way.''

I laughed.

''You're lucky you're single, Bonnie.'' I said. ''You don't have to deal with all these crazy boys. How's Tyler treating you?'' I asked to Caroline.

''Oh, he's great. We've been friends forever so it's kind of like nothing's changed, except for the fact we kiss now and stuff.'' She laughed.

We talked all night about our relationships, and all the cute new boys at school this year. We even talked about school too, which was probably one of my least favorite subjects.

''How's Stefan?'' Bonnie said.

''He's great. He's actually at-'' I started to say before I stopped myself.

Bonnie and Caroline don't know that Stefan is a vampire. I can't tell them where he is right now, I can't tell them that my vampire boyfriend is out in the middle of nowhere trying to make himself human again. I have to make up a lie on the spot.

''He's actually at home right now, he's not feeling too well tonight.'' I said. What a relief.

''He seems like such a great guy for you.'' Bonnie started. ''You seem to have a lot in common with each other, and he treats you well. Always nice to see my best friend happy.'' She smiled.

''I am happy.'' I said.

And I was. I know we have had our arguments and have made some mistakes but he made me so happy.

I couldn't wait until he was home, and safe. With me.


Stefan's POV:

I woke up, and looked up and all I saw was darkness.

It was night time, and the sun has already gone down. I wasn't a big fan of the dark, so I shot up from the ground I was laying on and stood.

I didn't remember how I ended up on the ground until I looked right in front of me, and saw a huge tree, with multi-colored leaves on it. I took one of those leaves, put it in my water and drank from it. I'm supposed to be human right now.

I looked around for something. I found a piece of wood and cut my wrist, and blood started to pour out.

This was my test. If I didn't react to this blood, stayed calm and normal. It worked.

I was nervous as I saw the blood dripping away to the ground. Nothing was happening yet. I was staying calm, and it was weird.

I started at my wrist for a few moments more because I cleaned it up, to stop the bleeding.

I didn't move. I didn't attack my wrist and try to drink from it. My eyes didn't change to a red color. The veins in my face didn't pop out for everyone to see.

I'm normal.

I'm human.

I smiled to myself, before my emotions took over and tears started to pour from my eyes. I took a seat on the big rock that was next to me, and was crying happy tears for a while longer.

I don't have to deal with the super natural world anymore. I don't have to deal with holding back my emotions. I don't have to deal with being labeled a monster.

Because I'm not. I'm not a monster anymore. I'm normal, and I'm human and I couldn't stop saying those words. Normal. Human.

This trip was worth it and it really did change my life, forever. I got up from the rock, and walked over to my tent that I was staying in for the night.

All I wanted to do was go home, and tell Elena, tell her everything that just happened and that she doesn't have to worry anymore. I'm never going to hurt anyone again and she will never have to worry about the possibility of me hurting her anymore, but I couldn't, not just yet. It's late.

I needed some sleep.

It will have to wait until the morning.

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