Chapter 1

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Stefan's POV:

I've been a vampire for over 100 years. Through the good times and the bad times. Through most of history's most historic moments, I've seen a lot.

But every now and then, I find myself attached to a girl. But sometimes I fall harder than others.

Just like last week, I was walking around my home town of Mystic Falls, all by myself, when I came upon an accident. A car accident.

The car went off the local bridge, and into the lake.

Being a vampire, inspires you to do a lot of things, but being a vampire also comes with what people would call 'magical powers'.

So I used those powers to go into the lake, and dive down deep, until I found the car.

3 passangers were inside. An older lady, an older man and then I saw..... her.

A teenage girl, with long brown hair, brown eyes. She was beautiful.

Putting my feelings off to the side, I opened the door to help the man. The man was the only person awake and concious inside the veichle. I thought maybe I had a chance to save his life.

I started to help him, unbuckle his seat belt and lift him up, but he stopped me.

He started pointing to the teenage girl in the backseat, which happened to be his daughter. He wanted me to save her instead.

Hesitating at first, I went into the backseat, unbuckled her seat belt, lifted her out of the car and swam to the top. 

By the time I got her safely up on land, it was too late when I came back to help the others.

They both died that night.

The girl was taken to the hospital and I haven't seen her since. But I noticed something that night when I saw her...

She looked like my ex-girlfriend.

My ex-girlfriend isn't only just an ex-girlfriend. She's the girl who turned my into a vampire over 100 years ago.

She was evil. She manipulated me into so many things but I did all of them because I loved her.

Her name was Katherine Pierce.

Katherine has been dead for a long time now. I was devestated when I found out she died but now I know it was for the best and she deserved it after all she put me through.

She's also the reason my brother, Damon, turned into a vampire but I haven't seen him in years over some stupid fight we had.

The girl I saved looked way too much like Katherine for it to stay unnoticed and for me to just forget all about it.

Right now, she's been out of the hospital for a couple weeks now and is going to be starting school in a few days at Mystic Falls High School.

She's going to have to go back to school without having her parents be there for her to guide the way.

It's not hard for me to think about. My parents died a long time ago, because they weren't vampires and don't live for a long time. Vampires can live forever, until they get their hearts ripped out or their body's drained of blood. Something violent like that.

Looking at the picture of Katherine on my desk made me curious. 

Were they related? Could Katherine still be alive somehow? So many unanswered questions.

I wanted these questions to be answered...

They could only be answered if I went and found that teenage girl I saved from the car accident.

I had to know her.

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