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The bright august sun was shining on my blonde hair while I was enjoying my caramel frappuccino. I was sitting by the pool, trying to get as tanned as possible. My swimsuit was green with yellow pineapples and I had just painted my nails light pink. I probabily could't picture a better place to be in that moment than here, away from home, from all the problems, enjoying myself on a tropical island.

It was my dad's present for me since I had gotten into one of the best journalism academies at just 15 and a half years old. So I basically had three weeks to relax in the warm sun of Epski, an island near the philipines, before I'd go to NYAJ: New Yorks's academy of journalism, the school that thought you how to get into the best journalism schools.

The only person that was here with me was my twin brother, Jared. He also had blond hair, hazel eyes and was abnormally white, almost like a doll.

"Morning, sunshine!", Jared said as he splashed me with water from the pool, waking me up from my open-eyed dream.

"Stop doing that!!" I shouted back to him, trying to wipe as much water as I could from my wet feet.

"Or what, you're going to tell mom?" he laughed and got out of the pool. Jared had always been the strongest kid out of my family, despite the fact that our older sister, Helena, was an Adidas model. Jared was the best 15 year old football player in the whole state and had been on the swimming team since he was 7.

When he reached the sun chair I was sitting on, he grabbed my towel from my navy blue beach bag and checked his phone.

"It's already 5:47" he said "We'd better go get dressed"

I wanted to tell him I wanted to stay longer, but he was right. The dinner was served at 7 o'clock and if we wanted to go to the resort's best restaurant we had to be there at lest 15 minutes earlier.

"Fine" I said, grabbing my bag, sunglasses and, finally, my phone, which beeped the moment I touched it. It was a text from my best friend, Nala. When I opened the chat, I realised there were more of them.

Nala: Hey gurll, how's Epski??
Nala: I have some greattt newsss, call me ASAP
Nala: U there?? Cait??
Nala: heelloooo...call me pls

"Four messages?" I said to myself. Nala didn't usually double text, so four texts in a row were pretty unusual. I texted her back, making a mental note to call her back as soon as I reached my room.

Me and my brother had a duplex room, so each one of us had their own bedroom, bathroom, and huge balcony, but we had a common living room, kitchen and laundry room. It had was a two story hotel room, so my brother was sitting downstairs with the living room and kitchen, while my bedroom was on the second floor.

After calling Nala( which didn't answer ), taking a shower, applying a lot of after sun cream and doing my hair — soft curls, just like I wore them most of the time — I put some mascara and pink lipgloss and decided to wear a short, pastel yellow dress which complimented my eyes. I put a pair of white sandals on and walked to the living room, where my brother was sitting on the white, leather couch, watching TV. But he wasn't alone. Next to him was the boy which was going to change my whole stay here.

Hey cuties!! I don't think I've written anything for a couple of moths until this, so when I had this sudden urge to write something that's both romantic and funny, but not quite cliché, I knew I had to do this. You know, for the perfect summer romance we never had ;))

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