°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· The Beginning ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°

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Scene 1

Every story has a start, a beginning, the start to an epic journey. My story, is one of love, loss, magic and a story of true discovery.
My story starts when i was born, like any other story. I was born into royalty. My mother is Queen Irene and my brother Prince Solis, my father is a corrupt king, King Onyx of the nether Brother to the great Shad.Onyx was banished just before i was born; however my mother tries to free her true love but just causing herself more heartache. Shad on the other hand he rapes women to bare his children only marrying one. A princess by the name of Athena, who is the Queen of Phoenix Drop and the sister of my mother Irene.

However, my life changed at age 8, i met an 11 year old boy who was same age as my brother, he was called Aaron, A tall young guard in training alongside my brother. Me and Aaron talked all the time whenever they were home in the castle, at 10 i met Sombre, a girl just taller than me but the same age as me. 10 days younger than me. she had red hair and black eyes. She was to become my lady-in-waiting but i never saw anyone as a lesser to me when im in my house, even my people are no less important than me, they are more important than me as they keep the kingdom going, thats what i think people like about me, Im too kind to others, but this could become my downfall.

Lets jump to my 16th birthday. the worst day of my life. let me explain in the form of a text flashback.

Scene 2

"Princess Aphmau, what an honour it is to meet you" a young prince bowed to me saying.
"The honour is all mine Prince Garroth." i say with a curtsy, my guard stood by my side in one of Solis' suits to help him blend in.
"Princess, who is the young man stood by your side? I never knew you have a second brother?"
"Prince Garroth, this is Aaron, my...Guard." i reply with hesitation.
Guard? Should you not be in an armor? " Garroth said with aggression.
"My Prince, i hate to say, but it my Lady requested i wore this. *bow* My lady if i may excuse myself, i need to see Lady Sombre."
"Of course Aaron, and can you call her please i need to talk to her after you."

Aaron left, leaving me with snobby Garrother and his brother Zane.

"Princess Aphmau. If i may say, A guard isn't allowed to wear a suit as its not code."
"Sir Garroth, he is not you guard, he is mine. Not just my guard but also my brothers Friend, solis who has also been through guard training, qualified in fact in protecting and self defense, he is a prince also, he wears both. Aaron has the same rights as you and I to wear what he likes, today is my birthday and all the guards you see are not wearing armor but a suit."
"But prines-"
"Sir Garroth, i do not see why you were so rude to Aaron, but from that attitude, you have not been through Guard academy have you?"
"No princess-"
"There you go, Both My brother and Aaron will jump in front of a sword to protect their kingdom and the people they love, you however i can see will not, but allow their guard to insted. What kind of king will that make you if your needs come before the needs of the kingdom?"

The Future king of O'khasis and the young prince were both stood in horror at my logic, Zane smirked at Garroth and walked away towards my brother leaving me in victory towards Garroth, till he said this.

"Princess, I am the next king of the great O'khasis, and you dare speak to me like a child, i would die to protect my people, you are a women. a women meant to tend the needs of her husband and children, not meant to rule. You Princess, will never become Queen or gain the love of her people. You are just a girl, a girl who is meant to be dominated, used and put in her place. If you became my wife, you would never been my queen, you would be my whore, my slut. A wife who would cry and beg for my mercy. Now i think of it, watch your back beautiful, i will haunt you forever."

I lost my shit at this point, i saw Aaron's back to me with his sword in my reach. I was fuming at the arrogant prince. i reached for the sword and drew it to the prince's neck.

Aarmau: The Princess And Her GuardWhere stories live. Discover now