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Long ago, there was a demon named "The Butcher". The reason the other demons called him the butcher was because he killed five-hundred people in one second. After the butcher finishes killing the humans, he uses their body parts as food. This allows him to shapeshift into a human himself. In his disguised human form, people know him as Jake. Not a single mortal knows his true identity, "The Butcher Demon". To those that knew him or heard about him, Jake was the most upstanding person on the face of the planet no one would expect Jake to do any wrong. Jake was acting on the side and he killed ten kids in an abandoned warehouse because they were throwing rocks at him. Jake gets a chainsaw and cuts their heads off, it was like slicing an apple. Then jake cut their torso and ate it like a hamburger, then Jake cut their legs off and ate it like chicken.
Jake was working at a steak house. When Jake was cooking he took a kid's body parts, put it on the grill, diseased it, then fried it. After he was done making it look like Tommy grilling. That's when Jake switched the plate without anyone noticing, causing Tommy to give the plate to the old man. Then the old man took a bite and died. Tommy went to prison for life, and Jake laughed at Tommy. Jake said "all humans lives are pathetic and useless, you're all going to hell."

           Chapter 2: Tommy living hell

When Tommy went to prison he was wondering what he put in the food. Tommy had to take a shower, but couldn't stop thinking about what he put in the food. Tommy couldn't focus, and consequently dropped the soap. Tommy thought he would get raped, but Jake was controlling him, he blinded and deafened Tommy. Tommy thought he was by himself, so he picked up the soap. Jake then relieved Tommy of his blind and deafness. Then Tommy began to see the men's shadow behind him and couldn't get back up in time. "Aaah let me go I don't deserve this mommy help me". Jake was laughed "haha you just a little punk haha Tommy haha I killed your mommy haha idiot." he said maliciously. Tommy killed himself shortly after. He was traumatized after being raped, and hated his life in jail. Jake was aware of the outcome when he switched the plates. " The next victim is Jamaica." Jake said.

                      Chapter 3: killing

Jake despised Jamaica because she calls him dusty. So one night, Jamaica was about to apologize to Jake. But when she was crossing the road, Jake ran her over. Jake got out of the car and shot her in the head with a bazooka ninety-nine times. He then got a nailed hammer and hit Jamaica in the chest 200 times. Jake then put 16 grenades in her stomach then drove off. Jake was later caught and imprisoned. In a blink of an eye, Jake would murder everyone in the prison. Jake's next victim was Alex, the reason Jake despised Alex was because he always spoke of him behind his back. Jake gave Alex a whole family the pledge in five seconds. Jake laughing " all of your family are just fat pigs/hogs/ fat obese rotten mortals."

The Butcher Demon Jake Where stories live. Discover now