"What's wrong" I said pulling the helmet off.

"The bike won't start" he replied sitting his helmet on the seat.

I watched him kick the stand back up and start to push it back out onto the dirt road and followed behind him carrying my helmet.

"No repair shops will be open at this time" he said stopping once we reached the dirt road again.

"Then we walk" I replied grabbing his helmet in my other hand waiting for him to keep going.

It was around midnight when we got back to bakugous house.

I waited as he pushed the bike back around the back of the house and walked up to the door putting the helmets down before going back round to the front of the house.

He locked the door behind us and followed me along the dark hallway up the stairs into his room.

He passed me a dry hoodie from his wardrobe and grabbed a change of clothes for him turning to face away so he could get dressed.

I slipped off my pants and pulled my shirt off followed by my bra and threw his hoodie on like usual and climbed under the blankets while bakugou mucked around in the bathroom.

When he came back in I pulled the covers open for him like he always did for me causing him to lay next to me with a smile.

"It was better than nothing at least" he said as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"Besides the bike breaking down, yeah"

I heard his body turn to face me and watched the outline of his arm move causing him to poke my cheek.


"Sorry I just wanted to remind myself your actually here" he said.

I felt his knee nudge mine noticing he was still in his jeans.

"Where else would I be" I whispered feeling him move closer causing his leg to slide between mine.

I want to kiss him, I should kiss him, honestly I think he's waiting for me to.

"I don't know if this is a good idea"

"Why" he questioned as he pushed my hair back from my cheek causing my reasons to fade away as I closed my eyes.

"We're going to get hurt, my parents wouldn't allow it, it's not fair on you" I said

"Do you like me"

"Bakugou, it's not that easy"

"Bullshit, do you"


"Then I don't care, We'll figure it out" he said brushing his fingertips over my cheek.

"It's okay if you don't want to go out"

"Go out" I questioned

"We can stay in bed" he replied causing me to hit his chest.

"It is okay if you don't want to, although you were the one asking me last time" he said tracing his fingers down my side.

"And if I do want to" I replied.

"Do you" he added with a smirk stopping his hand from moving.

I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled his lips to mine.

My mind was lost against the touch of his hands and the way his hips fit against mine causing my stomach to tighten and my back to arch.

I tugged at his shirt running my hands up his back getting small moans against my mouth while his hands went up to my waist.

Feeling him kiss down my neck and behind my ear made me realise we were alone all night and we could do whatever we wanted.

I rolled him onto his back and kissed down between his ear and jaw like he did to me causing him to grip my hips allowing his thumb to trace along my hip bone.

He kept his eyes on mine as he slid his hand up my top brushing his fingertips over my breast, closing my eyes I found his mouth with mine again.

Feeling him through his jeans against my leg caused me to pull back and stop.

"What" he whispered tracing his hand along my back.

"We're not having sex"

"No" he laughed

"We'd usually have to be naked for that" he added

"No were not going to, not like this" I said

"It's okay, we don't have to" he replied with a smile.

"You want to stop" He questioned tracing circles along my thighs.

"Well...no" I said as he wrapped his arms around me to pull me back down before I had finished talking.

It felt like we had just gone to sleep when I heard his phone ringing.

However sleeping next to bakugou wasn't the easiest, he always managed to wrap himself around you pinning all his weight on you so you couldn't move.

"Bakugou" I said trying to push him to wake him up.

"Bakugou" I added tracing my finger down his arm causing him to move it from the touch.

"Mmmmmhm" he managed to get out.

"Your phones going off" I said feeling his hold on me loosen as he rolled over.

I threw my leg over him to get off the bed and grab his phone but got stopped by him pulling me back over him.

"Bakugou" I groaned as he pulled me back down against him.

"It's to early" he said putting his chin on my head.

"Your phones ringing" I said prying myself out of his grip to get his phone.

"Hey" I said answering it.

"Nah......no I don't think so.....okay.......bye"

"Who was it" he questioned keeping his eyes closed.

"Kirishima And kaminari" I said climbing back in the bed next to him.

"What'd they want"

"To know if we were doing anything" i replied looking at him.

"Can we just stay like this for the day" he said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yeah" I laughed moving closer to him.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now