"I should have known you had something to do with this," he hissed.

"I didn't. We just got the call that it was happening, and we're here to help stage a long overdue revolt," I said. "What happened to the kid? Is he dead?" I asked, nodding to Michael.

"Of course he's not dead, you imbecile. He was just shocked and has yet to come to," John said. He wouldn't meet my eye.

"How did it happen? You tortured him and made everyone watch? What was he doing, speaking fondly of me?" I asked.

"Worse," he said. "He had a book from the outside."

"What book? I thought you destroyed them all."

"I thought I did too. It was called Macbeth, I think," he said.

"That was Lizzie's book," I said. "She gave it to Noah, and he must have hidden it before his departure. Do you still feel justified in your actions?"

He finally looked at me. "I'm always justified, Sadie-child. The devil is in everything, and I am a man of God. Whatever actions I see fit are fit enough."

I slapped him across the face.

Like what you tried to do to me? I said to him in my mind, knowing full well he could hear me. Or whatever the hell it was you did to Lizzie?

He narrowed his eyes, and didn't respond, as if he didn't hear me.

"I want to find it in my heart to forgive you," I said. "I'm not a bad person, and I am, as you say, a woman of God. I know that hatred, torture, and other horrific deeds committed under the guise of godliness are about the most devilish things happening inside these walls. But how could I expect you to understand that?"

I stepped back to look at Rebecca. Mary and Catherine I had no time for. They had been his coconspirators since the beginning. But Rebecca, I wondered about. I knelt in front of her. "What happened to you? Are you in pain?"

"Some," she said.

"I need to ask you something, and I need you to answer honestly. I'm going to know if you're lying," I said, and on instinct I added, "like he knows when you're lying." I nodded to John.

She looked petrified.

"Do you believe what he says about me?" I asked.

She looked at John, whose eyes were narrowed at her in an open threat. And then she looked at me. "No."

"Do you think he's always been faithful to you?" I asked.


"Do you think we should run this family the way he has tried to in my absence and since Lizzie's death?"

"No," she said. And she was telling the truth.

I turned to Jeremy and the others. "Let her go."


"Is there something I don't know or are you just afraid she's on his side because they're married?" I asked.

Bram, another kid who hung around Jeremy, elbowed him. "I think we should listen to Sadie."

Jeremy unbound Rebecca and she looked at me warily. Then I pulled her toward me and whispered, "It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore." Letting her go, I said, "Go over to the other elders."

She nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Can I help the boy?" she asked, looking at Michael.

"Help him how?"

She looked up at John, who started screaming at her, but Bram had done something to make it so that his voice went silent. It looked like we were watching a TV on mute. "Is that okay?" he asked me.

The Survivors: Body & Blood (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now