Part 2

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Virgil had been a little suspicious as of late, which for Virgil wasn't exactly too surprisingly for him. However, what he was suspicious of, was something that he felt was right to be worried about, especially since he hadn't seen one inkling of Deceit around. For Virgil that meant many things, and all of them were not good at all, to his knowledge it always either meant for sure that the other was planning something or he was about to do something that would, in the end, make him more anxious.

In hindsight, it wasn't always the best idea to think like that, but he couldn't help it. Even though it always proved helpful when having to deal with whatever Deceit had shoved up that annoying cape of his.

At first he started by searching around in some of the more commonly known areas that Deceit had been known to lurk around in, namely Roman's stage area where he had once found Deceit taking a nap in the banisters above, and Logan's library where they had all found him trying to take a few books for whatever reason.

"Aww kiddo you shouldn't worry so much, I don't think that Deceit will be bothering us anytime soon. Just relax, dinner will be ready in a while." Patton tried to help, but then again, of course, he tried to help make Virgil feel better. Nevertheless, Virgil did appreciate it, and for a while, he did drop the subject as soon as Patton started chattering about yet another idea that Roman had come up with in his downtime.

For now, the subject became forgotten to him.

It didn't stay like that forever though, because as soon as they had a family meeting with Thomas and they all started to chew each others' head off the topic was raised again. Only this time by Thomas himself as he ran his hand over his face looking pretty tired, as well as pretty anxious.

"Guys, where's Deceit? Let's get another opinion in on this? That way we can at least progress with this, and move on." Thomas' expecting gaze had all of them silent for the time being, as Roman gave a shrug telling Thomas that he had no idea where the snake face had gotten off to.

Patton though opened his mouth to say something, his eyes for once dark and troubled. Until Logan interjected cutting Patton off before he could speak.

"Virgil, perhaps it would be best if you were to go and see what is holding him up. He might be in his room, being as melodramatic as Sir Fanciful over there." With Roman's scoff at Logan's words, Virgil was willing to leave just to get out of hearing them tear each other a new one. Offering Patton a roll of his eyes, Virgil sank out.

Virgil though never in a thousand years had expected to find what he did.

The others had wanted him to pop in for a quick second just to see what was up with Deceit for not answering their summons, and why he hadn't seen him around at all in the mind space. Personally, Virgil and all of the other felt that could do fine without Deceit's voice there to muddle everything up, but Thomas was persistent and Virgil had never been able to tell Logan no.

So he went, and at the end of the day, Vigil was so very glad that he did. His horrified face and the way that his breath caught in his throat like a spider's web that had caught a fly, said it all as he witnessed Deceit's pitifully curled up body, and even though they were only facets of Thomas' mind Virgil was still worried. Because even if they were only facets, Thomas had created them to emulate the human-like behavior whether he had known it or not.

So Deceit was in real danger here.

The anxious side a lot quicker than he ever thought himself to be capable of, scrambled over to Deceit his fingers grasping for the other's wrist, he had to fight back a shudder. The skin was so warm to the touch and so sallow looking. The swear on Deceit's brow was cold though, which really should have been a good thing if he had a fever right? Although it didn't explain why he felt as terrified as he did.

Just how long had he been like this? Why hadn't he come to them for help if he was hurt? Had the dark sides done something to hurt him?

Guilt gnawed on his insides like a squirrel trying to get into a nut, and without even asking he knew. He knew the real answer to why Deceit hadn't come to them, he knew why Deceit hadn't asked them for help when he had been feeling. They wouldn't have believed him, and even if they did there was a good chance that they would have said no and rejected him anyway. Even if he wanted to deny that, in the back of his head Virgil knew it to be true.

Even so, Virgil knew it now, so what was he supposed to do about this?

Virgil carefully moved his arms under Deceit wincing at just how easy it felt to lift him up, it was akin to lifting up a backpack that had been emptied of all of the books in it. Did the snake-face ever eat anything? Nevertheless, he was very careful as he moved Deceit's body back over to his squishy looking bed that was layered with black and yellow covers. Looking down at Deceit's body now wrapped up in his array of black and yellow sheets, whose body still raspily breathed in and out, Virgil didn't know what to do. But there was one side who would know.

So he sank out, leaving Deceit's body in more comfort than he had found it. But he wouldn't be gone long, Deceit wouldn't survive that long if he was.

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