Part 1

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One day when Deceit goes on down to the kitchen to get something to eat, his stomach is rumbling and he has a craving for something savory when he opens the fridge. Patton normally makes something every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So sometimes there are leftovers for him to sneak out so that he can satiate his hunger a little bit more. Really, he had gotten used to doing it and not being caught that he wasn't really paying attention as he started to scrounge around for the leftover food.

There was pizza, but that was Patton's and he'd definitely notice if some of it went missing. Especially since Logan wouldn't touch the stuff, Roman hated how greasy it could sometimes be, and Virgil claimed that it gave him an upset stomach. So all fingers would instantly be pointed at Deceit if it went missing for whatever reason.

He's there for a little while than longer as he sees the potato salad in the back, along with some sliced up apples in a container. Probably Logan's, but it would still be safe to get. However, as he reaches forward he in no way notices someone behind him, not until he feels the tug on his cape dragging him backward and away from the fridge.

It's one of the sides that stops him dead in his tracks, and not for the first time Deceit feels himself shrinking away at the pure hatred and anger in their eyes as they open their mouth.

"You don't belong here." It's like a scornful slap to the face and he can't help but to flinch back at the words, at first he attempts to stand tall and put on that cold villainous persona he had built up in the past. However, before he can even straighten his back up again, they cut him off once more.

"You aren't a light side, you aren't apart of this family, and I won't have you endangering my family with your presence. You aren't wanted here. So. Get. Out."

The words are practically snarled at him now and for a moment Deceit is just frozen there, but to his credit, he recovers well as he doesn't act like he's hurt and putting on a disgusted and cold expression is all too easy for him as he goes back to his room. As he gets there he can't help but to wonder if they ever question why he even, considered just how willingly he had 'come into the light', after all, he'd spent most of his existence with the dark sides. Weren't they ever curious about why he had come out to them, or did they ever think that he couldn't really go to the home he had once had with the dark sides.

Be it for anything, let alone to get food.

As it stood now, he didn't fit in with them anymore, but... all things considered, he is also most certainly not a light side either. Especially considering that the other's and Thomas have made that explicitly clear to him any time he shows up in person. Be it to try and help out in his own little way, or to provide comfort in the only ways that he knew how to. He wasn't good at a lot of things, but he at least tried. Surely they saw that right?

Apparently not.

It's hard at first to go back into the kitchen. Because no matter how much he tries to convince himself otherwise...he's scared. His hands shake at the very thought of touching the door even as his stomach is loudly protesting the hunger that he is going through.

So at first, he tries to at least sneak down to get food he desperately needs, he knows that the time to do it is when all the others are asleep is the safest time. He chances the few squeaking boards, and it works out alright for him at first. However, when Roman starts staying up late in order to get together his ideas for Thomas, he can't exactly risk the other's anger (as well as his sword), so he stays put. He manages to snag a thing of gummy treats that he's certain no one will miss given that they haven't even been opened.

He rations them, as ridiculous as it is. At first it's a pack a day, and even then he's still hungry, god it gnaws at his stomach like an angry squirrel trying to get into a nut, but he bears with it. However, when he goes through a few packs already he takes it down to half a pack and he goes to bed hungry that night, although it's something he's gotten used to.

It goes even lower after that, and eventually, he's completely out.

He wants to go, he wants to eat, he wants food, but fear is a very powerful motivator for him. He can hear them outside, all of them laughing and just getting along with each other. Deceit wants to, he really does, but no matter how he tells himself that he must, his body refuses to budge anytime he hears the footsteps getting too close to his door.

The thought comes to him one day, that he could go back to the dark sides, admit defeat to them, and promise that he'd never do something like this again. However, that was one of the many reasons why he hasn't dared to step back into the dark sides common area or anywhere with the dark sides for that matter. They were plain out furious at the plan that he had done by himself and without any of them, they wouldn't be pleased to see him and right now he just couldn't risk it.

So he stays in his room, starving and getting hungrier and hungrier until one day...

He goes to stand up and get a drink of water from the faucet in the bathroom, his first warning sign is the feeling of tingles in his feet, and just seconds after that his body makes an audible thump as he passes out.

Nobody raises a brow at the sound that they hear that day, and it's only a worried and slightly angry Virgil that is the one to find him days later when he didn't respond to them when they summoned him for a family meeting.

He's horrified.

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