25// the wrong goodbye

Start from the beginning

I look away and proceed to walk, just walking past her and ignoring her.

"Lena, I just want to apologize." I hear her say.

I stop and turn around to face her, I was just about to go off on her when her water broke.

Her eyes widen in horror as she looks at liquid leaking down her legs. She looks at me and begins to panic.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. My water just broke!" She began to babble in terror.

"Relax. The baby isn't coming just yet." I tell her calmly as I wave down a cab.

"But it will!" She exclaims then begins go hyperventilate.

"Yes, but you had nine months to prepare. You're going to be ok." I tell her genuinely as I try to calm her.

A cab pulls over at the curb. I open the door and lead Augustina to it. I help her in but she refuses to release my hand.

Her contractions began right away, she was already dilating when she got admitted into the hospital.

I stand by her bedside, holding her hand as she breathes in and out as her contractions progress. Her forehead is beaded with sweat and my hand is numb from her constant squeezing.

"I can't do this. I thought I could but I can't." She pants as she shakes her head vigorously.

"Yes you can. You can do this." I tell her as I look in her terrified eyes. She's afraid and she has no one beside her to help her through this. "I'm not going anywhere, ok. I'm going to stay her by your side until that beautiful baby comes out of you. I know you can do this."

"But I was so cruel to you and I tried to tear you and Logan apart, I don't... ow." She began before she started to cry in pain.

Her grip on my hand tightens as another contraction forms.

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters right now is you and the baby." I say

She nods her head and lays back as she shuts her eyes.

"Thank you." She says with a weak smile.

The doctor walks in and checks to see how dilated Augustina is. "You're ten centimeters. Are you ready to have this baby?" The doctor asks

"No." Augustina responds as she shakes her hand.

"You can do this." I reassure her.

In the delivery room, I stand beside the bed with my hand still in Augustina's grip. Her face is red and full of sweat just as mine feels.

"Push." The doctor says

"Push. You got this." I tell Augustina

She takes in a deep breath and shuts her eyes before she pushes and her grip begins to crush my bones or so it feels.

"You're doing great." I say as I tolerate the pain and refrain myself from showing it.

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