lucy stone

119 14 5

"Hello? Can I help you?"

I froze. Nope. It wasn't him. Mr. Ambrose would rather spend twenty million pounds on useless items, or deepthroat an icicle before uttering those words. 

I didn't even look at the man's face, just muttered a hasty excuse and walked off, unable to account for this feeling of disappointment within me. Why should I be disappointed that my arrogant jackass of  a boss didn't come to my march?

Because it shows that he doesn't care, a little voice whispered inside my head.

I took an imaginary sledgehammer, and beat that little voice senseless. Pah! I didn't care! Not one bit! 

I didn't notice when the man straightened up and stared after me, cold eyes glinting. "Good. She bought it. Karim? Come. I will require protection against—" He looked around, left pinky finger twitching. "Against all these feminists." 


I shoved the thoughts of a certain, silent someone out of my mind. And when that didn't work, I locked out those thoughts and threatened to call the imaginary police for trespassing!

I stood before the crowd, and gave out a huge smile. We had to call one of Cassy's contacts to rig up huge speakers around the park and surrounding areas so that the marchers would be able to hear us. From where I stood, I could see nothing except an undulating sea of people, passionate about our causes. 

Nothing made me happier.

Except when Mr. Ambrose kiss—I shut off that little voice and beamed brighter.  

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! People of all genders, race and ethnicity, we are here today to celebrate!" 

A cheer, so loud it turned my albeit a little forced grin into a genuine one. 

I held up my hand, and gradually the crowd quieted.

"It is a celebration, yes! Of all that we have managed to accomplish, all that those who came before us bled and sweated for! 

"But." I gazed out, staring at them. 

"This is also a memorial. Of all those who have suffered for their cause. For the members of the LGBT community being persecuted by those driven mad with senseless hatred. For the revival of the slave trade. For the increased racial tensions, especially in the South."

I clenched my fist, and then opened it, waving it slowly in the air. 

"So I will march!" 

A few people chanted my words and began waving their hands.

"For a better world!"

More joined in.

"A world where my children will never have to live in fear!"

Still more joined in.

"A world where we are all equal!"

The shout resounded across the park. 

"And even though, the road ahead is hard..."

"And even though many tell me it cannot be done..."




Tears dripped from my eyes as I stared at my friends, at the massive crowd waving and yelling and chanting. 

"This is a small step." I whispered to Patsy. "But it shows what the four of us can do together."

She gripped my hand, brown eyes a little shiny with tears. "Together." She whispered. 

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