She smiles, stood with a bag. "Hey, I bought soup. My mom's own recipe." She says gently.

I open the door more and hoist Regina up more, closing the door once Alice is in. "Thank you, but you shouldn't have. You'll get sick now."

"I'm okay, why don't you go sit down and I'll get you some soup?" She offers.

I smile gently. "Sure. Regina hasn't eaten yet and she's probably starving."

"That's such a beautiful name." Alice muses before she skips to the kitchen.

I smile gently and sit back on the couch, shaking Reggie gently. "Hey, Reg? You want some yummy soup?" I ask her gently.

She rubs her eyes and nods with a yawn, her back clicking as she stretches big. I pull her nighty down gently and sit her beside me, looking over as Alice comes in; she found things quite easily then. She smiles at Reg. "Hi cutie. You hungry?"

Reg shies into me. "It's okay, bubbles. This is Alice, she's the friend that's been helping me."

She looks up at me before waving at Alice gently. "Hello." She whispers.

Alice smiles and hands her the Minnie Mouse bowl and spoon. "I hope chicken noodle soup is okay?" She says gently.

Reggie smiles and nods, thanking Alice as she takes the bowl. Al hands me a bigger bowl and spoon, sitting in the armchair adjacent to the couch. I taste some and smile gently. "This is amazing."

"Yummy!" Reg says with a little more 'oomph' in her voice.

"I shall tell Esme her famous soup is still enjoyed." Alice giggles. "There's more if you want any."

I nod and eat slowly, seeing how it settles. I watch Alice as she stares adoringly at Reggie. "I have a question." I say gently.

Alice looks to me. "Go ahead."

"It's sort of personal..." I say; Alice just watches me expectantly, waiting for me to ask. "What... what do you know about your birth family? When did Carlisle adopt you?"

Alice is silent for a moment and I begin to worry I offended her; I look to the rugrats movie on the screen that always entertains Reggie, only looking away when Alice speaks again. "I joined Carlisle when I was very young. He took me in, he already had Edward and Emmett and they had just got the twins, Jasper and Rosalie. They raised me as their own, filling my life with positive memories. All I know about my birth family... is that they didn't want me, said I was a freak."

I frown. "But you were so young... they didn't even know you." I say a little angry.

Alice smiles gently. "It doesn't matter to me anyway, I got a better family; things happen for a reason and it means I got to meet you."

I blush and look at my lap for a moment. "True... everyone deserves a me in their life. How does anyone survive without me?" I smile softly.

She laughs gently. "Gosh, I know! Maybe I should clone you and sell you."

"Only if I get half the profits." I tease back. Her laughter and spirit has actually helped me feel better, even if my stomach still does flips - maybe that's because of her, though....

I move over a little and pull Reggie on to my lap, putting our bowls on the coffee table. "Come sit with us." I say to Alice.

She appears to hesitate for a moment before she comes over and sits down; I shyly lean against her, her arm wrapping around me; her cold skin feels amazing on my feverish body and I find myself curling into her more, Reggie practically climbing on her. I go to move her when Alice shakes her head, Reggie laid across her lap, half on both of us.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now