Reigniting (Part #8)

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(A/N: Hey all! Sorry for not updating for a few days. I've been posting chapters every day or two and wanted a few days to relax. All should be going back to normal schedule soon though. =>)

"I'm Bumblebee!"

Arcee felt something spark at that moment. She looked down at the bot.

"Pleasure to meet you, kid." Jazz walked over to the bot and put his hand on Bumblebees shoulder while facing Arcee and the others.

"Well, we've gotta go catch up on that training, then we'll catch up on talking during the break." Jazz shouted before walking towards his station, Bumblebee following behind him.

Arcee took a minute pondering why the other new bot had actual training today, before she decided to ask Cliffjumper who was standing behind her.

"It's because that young bot wanted to start today. That kids got a lot of spirit." Cliffjumper responded. They were proceeding towards Tailgate's facility before a quiet voice spoke up.

"Bumblebee's not a kid. In fact, his file says he's actually around the same age as you." Arcee turned around to see another warrior standing where they just were.

Tailgate gasped. "Scattershot?! I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?" Scattershot didn't answer for a while.

"I've seen the cold, harsh destruction coming ahead. The war..." Scattershot said, completely shaken. Cliffjumper and Tailgate were both concerned. This is not Scattershot they knew from a long time ago.

"Please come with me..." Scattershot had a look of pure pain and suffering in his eyes. Cliffjumper didn't have a second thought and immediately wanted to investigate what shook their friend so much.

Scattershot departed, with Cliffjumper following him. Tailgate quickly started to head towards them, and Arcee decided to chase after them, since her teachers were gone.

A few Earth-hours later...

They arrived at where Scattershot led them. Cliffjumper's optics widened, and when Tailgate arrived, his did too. Arcee was shaken once she laid her optics on the sight...

There was a fire. A gigantic fire, burning innocent bots to death. They came through chutes and screamed in agony as the light faded away from their optics. They could do nothing but watch as more and more go in. Millions of corpses everywhere...

Scattershot closed his optics for a minute, before opening them. "This War will only get worse... that evil tyrant known as Megatronus... will show less mercy... and more pain." Tailgate had never heard Scattershot so scared before.

Before he could continue, his optics went black. Tailgate looked over to see something stabbed right through his spark chamber. There was no more life in Scattershot, as far as he could see.

"SCATTERSHOT!!!" Cliffjumper screamed, rushing over to the body of his old friend. He was in pure denial of his condition. Arcee realised what happened after Cliffjumper screamed.

"Please don't give up on us yet old friend... please don't..." But it was already too late. Energon started pouring out of his body. Arcee had never witnessed death before that day, and it was a sight that she immediately tried getting out of her head.

Suddenly, a bot landed next to Cliffjumper and whacked him away. She slowly walked towards him while he was recovering before hearing a blaster being pulled out by Tailgate.

"Don't you dare..." She immediately froze in place, brining her head up to look at Tailgate. Arcee had pulled out her blasters too, but she had no idea how to use them.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My names Airachnid, I'm a Decepticon, what else is there to know?" She said, before throwing down a stun grenade and rushing away. Tailgate could only look at the trails that bot had left behind.

"So, that's what they call themselves huh? The Decepticons?" He muttered. Vengeance was written on his facial expression, his mind, and his spark. He started to follow the tracks, while Arcee stood there, looking around at her surroundings.

"What... just happened?"

To be continued...

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