the ring

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Today is the day that hiccup has to kill the dragon. it was the morning and this was his last chance to think up a plan so that he doesn't have to kill the dragon. He was laying quietly in bed trying to think up a plan when the most obvious plan came into mind.he didn't know how he didn't think of it sooner. "i train the dragon in the ring like i did with toothless and show them that they aren't that bad. 

he jumped out of bed and started to get ready. He put on his green fabric top, his green-brown pants, his shaggy fur vest and his worn down boots.he skipped every other step going down the stairs and head out the door to Astrid's house. 

Hiccup knocked on the door and Astrid came to answer it. "Astrid i have to talk to you alone." hiccup inquired to her. "ok just give me a second and i'll be right out."she replied. ad of course not too long after Astrid appeared in front of her door ready for hiccup to tell her what he needed to. They started to slowly make there way over towards the arena well hiccup talked. "so i think i have made up a plan. Instead of killing the dragon i'm going to try to train it in the ring and show everyone that they aren't as bad as everyone thinks they are" hiccup explained to her. "ok and what are you going to do if this fails?" she asked. "well i haven't really thought that part threw and it looks like times up" he said as they walked towards the big group of vikings waiting for hiccup to kill the beast. "Astrid i love you and if i die in this ring make sure you take care of toothless and don't let anyone hurt him." he said as he entered the ring. the big gate closed behind him and Astrid was watching closely. the gate opened and the fiery dragon came shooting out. hiccup right then and their dropped all his weapon's and and his helmet and started to speak. "these animals aren't as bad as we think they are. they are gentle and kind. watch me train this dragon here and you'll see." he said as he stuck out his had towards the calm beast. "HICCUP STOP!" his father yelled at him but of course he continued to do what he was doing. "STOP" stoick yelled well throwing his hammer in the ring beside the dragon. the dragon then lost focus and slowly started to make its way closer and closer to hiccup. 

mean while in the cove toothless was just drinking the water when he heard very faint panic screams. he stopped what he was doing and listened closely. he heard them again but this time he thought they were the screams of hiccup. he didn't want to take any chances so he ran up the huge stone wall jumping from rock to rock slowly increasing in height. he got to the top of the wall and started charging toward the screams. he ran faster and faster increasing in speed at each step. now with the arena in view he could see the dragon chasing he best and only friend. he jumped high into the air and with a piercing scream...BOOM...the cage was fired right threw and smoke rose from the ground. the crowd when quiet and they watched intensely trying to see a glimpse of what was happening. 

in the cage hiccup was searching for toothless trying to find him threw the smoke. he saw a black body and ran towards it jumping on its back. "GO TOOTHLESS GO"he shouted at the dragon gesturing to the whole. "i love you Astrid" he said looking at her as he took off out of the whole towards the sky. 

hiccup laid back on toothless's back and said "take us to the furthest island you can". 


hope you guys liked this chapter. next one will be up shortly

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