Chapter Seven

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It’s been almost two weeks since Tobias told me that he was leaving town. I couldn’t seem to stop worrying about him and I think it’s starting to drive Nathaniel insane. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad had happened to him.

“I’m sure he’s fine Ivy.” Nathaniel sighed. As if on cue, someone started to pound on the door. “Maybe that’s him.”

“Doubtful.” I frowned, making my way to the front door.

“Are you Ivy Greenway?” A man asked as soon as I opened the front door. He had light blonde hair, blue eyes, and a light complexion.

“Yes,” I told him. “Who are you?”

“We need you to come with us.” He evaded.

“Why? What’s going on?” I asked. Instead of answering, he grabbed by wrist and started to drag me out the door. “Nathaniel!” I panicked, struggling against his hold.

“Let her go!” Nathaniel demanded, barging out the door.

“What are you doing here Guardian?” the man asked.

“Guardian?” I asked, confused.

“Release my sister.” Nate demanded. The man released my arm and looked at us in confusion. “What do you want?”

“Prince Tobias keeps mumbling the name of an Ivy Greenway.”

“Prince?” I asked at the same time as Nathaniel asked, “What happened?”

“Prince Tobias and King Richard have been attacked.” The same man explained. “King Richard is fine, but Prince Tobias has yet to wake.”

I looked at my brother expectantly. He nodded. “I go where she goes.” He told them.

The guard thought it over. “Just stay caught up.”

I finally took notice of the two men behind the leader of the small group. The taller of the two had brown hair, hazel eyes, and a tan complexion. The shorter one had on the right also had brown hair, but brown eyes and was pale in complexion. The leader of the group began to walk in the direction of the parking lot. Nate and I followed behind him and the sidekicks followed behind us. I made the decision to try and make small talk.

“So, what are your names?” I asked them. They stayed silent, looking straight ahead.

“She asked you a question.” Nate growled. The blonde looked at him.

“I’m Aramis and they are Peter and Porthos.”

“Where’s the other musketeer?” Nathaniel smirked.

“Nathaniel,” I chastised him.

“What is a musketeer?” Aramis asked.

“Just ignore him,” I told them. “I do.”

The three of them chuckled while Nathaniel pouted. “You might want to hang onto something.” Aramis said, holding out his hand. I tentatively grabbed his outstretched hand with my right hand and Nathaniel’s hand with my left. The next thing I knew, there was a bright white light.

My feet left the ground and I held onto Aramis and Nathaniel’s hands more tightly. This had to be one of the strangest ways to travel. By the time my feet were on the ground again, I was beginning to feel nauseous. I let go of their hands and leaned forward.

“Just give it a minute,” Aramis said sympathetically. “It’ll pass. The first time is always the worst.”

“I don’t want to do that again.” I moaned. The four of them chuckled as I took in my surroundings. We were on a plush, green lawn. There were trimmed hedges along the rock fence that was in front of us.

“Where are we?” I asked in wonder.

“Ivy and Nathaniel Greenway.” Aramis smiled. “Welcome to the planet Argoron.”

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