Chapter Three

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Everything looked familiar as my surroundings came into focus. It took a moment to realize that I was in my room at the apartment. The events that happened last night rushed into my mind. The strange noise. Running in fear. The feeling of falling down on the sidewalk. Those strange and beautiful eyes.

I’ve never seen eyes that color before. They were an incredible ice blue with dark blue rimming around the iris. I don’t think I will ever forget those eyes. I didn’t even know eyes could be that color. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a clanging sound coming from downstairs.

I slowly got off my bed and crept towards the direction of the kitchen. Passing through the living room, I grabbed a book that was lying by my couch before peaking around the corner to look into the kitchen. From what I could see, there was a guy who had light brown hair and a tan complexion. His hands were on his head, as though he was frustrated and trying to think something through. It looked as though the muscles in his arms were practically bulging and trying to rip through his green t-shirt.

Before I had really thought it through, I stepped out from behind my hiding place and throw my book at his head. He spun around and caught the book before it even had a chance to hit him. But what had really surprised me was the color of his eyes. They were the same ones I had seen the night before.

“That wasn’t very nice,” He told me. His voice was deeper than I expected, but it seemed to suit him well.

“Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?” I demanded, glaring at him. He chuckled, a smirk spreading across his face. I raised my eyebrows in annoyance and crossed my arms in impatience.

“You humans are so entertaining.” He chuckled.

“You say human as though you’re not one.”

“That’s because I’m not.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, setting the book down. I raised an eyebrow.

“Then what are you? You look pretty human to me.” I argued.

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that looks can be deceiving?” He asked in amusement.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover, right?”

He chuckled. “Exactly.”

“Well alien boy, are you going to tell me your name or are you going to make me guess?”

“Hearing your guessing might turn out to be pretty interesting.” He chuckled. I looked him up and down. He didn’t know that I was really good at guessing.

“Starts with a t.” I said confidently. He generally looked surprised.

“How did you know that?” He all but demanded.

“So far, I’ve never guessed wrong.” It was my turn to smirk. “So are you going to tell me that your name is Tobias, or are we going to keep playing this game?”

“How do you always guess right?” He asked.

“Tell me if I got your name right and I’ll answer your question.” I told him seriously.

“Yes, my name is Tobias. Now tell me how you never guess wrong.”

“I don’t know. I’ve always been able to do it. My teachers always thought I cheated because I never got an answer wrong, but in reality I just guessed.” Tobias gave me a look. “Honestly, it’s just something I’ve always been able to do.”

“Do you have a weird looking birthmark?” Tobias asked me suddenly.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

He turned around and lifted the back of his shirt. On his lower back, there was a mark that seemed to be in the shape of a samurai sword. He pulled his shirt back down and turned to face me again.

“A birthmark that doesn’t look like a normal birthmark.” He explained. I rolled up the sleeve of my black jacket to show him the birthmark on my wrist. It looked to be in the shape of a book.

He walked over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling it towards him. I stumbled forward a little before catching my balance again. Tobias looked me in the eye, down at my wrist again, and let me go before stepping back. He seemed to be sniffing the air when my front door was kicked open and slammed against the wall.

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