i think we just lost

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"Hey, Barney!" She shouted loudly as she appeared for a mere second before disappearing again. "I've got one question for you."

Behind her, a wide portal created by Dr. Strange opened up as she straightened her body, flickering to visibility again as she easily dodged one of Thanos's swipes as Quill shot rapidly at him from behind.

"What are those?"

With that absolutely iconic battle cry, Kennedy fell backwards through the portal, her body completely disappearing just as Thanos's bare fist came into contact with the ground where she had just been standing, slamming violently into the concrete as an enormous crater was formed.

     Tumbling through absolute nothingness for a mere moment, Kennedy popped back through a second portal that Strange opened for her, just in time to hear Peter go 'Magic !' before he disappeared into his own portal.

The two were attacking Thanos with the use of Dr. Strange's portals, diving in and out of them at random to keep Thanos distracted just long enough for the other to escape before the cycle repeated over and over. Invisible, Kennedy punched Thanos hard across the lines against his chin before she disappeared into another portal just as Peter reappeared, crying out 'more magic!' while Strange's cloak latched onto Thanos's fist. Tumbling out of another portal, Kennedy slammed her elbow into Thanos's arm, exiting through yet another portal just as Peter kicked his way out from his own, calling out 'Magic with a kick!' Finally, Kennedy and Peter's separate set of portals seemed to open at the same time, with Peter flying up just as Kennedy flew down, their paths crossing for a mere moment.

      Kneeing Thanos in his neck as she rolled towards the portal near the ground, Kennedy extended her arm towards Peter as he kicked Thanos's face, flying towards the portal above, and the two high fived each other.

     "Nice kick!" Called out Kennedy, going visible for Peter, broadly as their palms smacked together.

     "Nice Vine reference!" Peter called as their fingertips brushed together.

Just as fast as that interaction had happened, Kennedy fell downwards into her portal just as Peter was flung upwards and vanished through his. Invisible once again, Kennedy popped up on Thanos's back and was sort of attempting to wrangle him around the neck just as Peter reappeared from above Thanos's shoulder, his leg extended outwards as he prepared to once again kick Thanos into the next universe, calling out the familiar words.

     "Magic with a — !"

     "Insect!" Thanos bellowed in fury, forgetting about Kennedy to focus on Peter, wrapping an enormous fist around Peter's neck as he slammed the poor boy into the concrete ground, which cracked severely from the impact before lifting him back up and throwing him across the arena, sending Peter crashing into debris.

     "Hey!" Kennedy yelled loudly. "Spiders are actually arachnids you uncultured — !"

     "If you are so concerned over your friend," Thanos bellowed, reaching over his back and picking a wriggling and now visible Kennedy up into the air as if she were a toy, staring at her disdainfully. "Then you can go join him!"

Chucking her body aside, Thanos sent Kennedy flying through the air ungracefully as she crashed straight into rubble and debris, right beside Peter, who was picking himself up with a rather pained groan before he extended a hand out to help Kennedy up. Grabbing it gratefully, Kennedy unsteadily straightened herself up, just in time to an incredibly fiery explosion erupt around Thanos, curtesy of the Star Lord himself, encasing his body in the fire as he cried out loudly, his entire body vanishing as flames covered him, his loud roar of fury echoing.

Endgame {Avengers: Infinity War}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن