angry geologist wants rock

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          "I can't believe you dragged us here just so you could flirt with Parker!"

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"I can't believe you dragged us here just so you could flirt with Parker!"

Manhattan was positively glowing in the warmth of the sunlight as glowing rays beamed down upon the earth, the entire city practically basking in its glory as a brilliant blue filled the skies, not a single cloud in sight. Walking along the streets of Manhattan were Kennedy Stark, Darcy Cooper, and of course, Fridge Dawson, the three close friends weaving in and out of the large sea of pedestrians, everyone moving at fast paces as loud chattering filled the air, accompanied by the city's typical sounds of cars honking while stenches of smoke and greasy vendor food drifted through the air. Bristling slightly at Fridge's accusation, Kennedy turned pink as she opened her mouth to retort, only Darcy beat her to it.

"Don't even try to deny it, Ken," added Darcy hastily. "We all know why you really wanted to meet up with him after his field trip was over."

"Yeah?" Kennedy did her best to play it cool. "We made plans for pizza. I want pizza."

"No," said Darcy. "You want him."

Wrinkling her nose upwards in what was very obviously pretend disgust at Darcy's inappropriate innuendo, Kennedy's pinks tinged pink, although she was unable to help herself from rolling her eyes dramatically as both Fridge and Darcy burst into raucous laughter, with Fridge giving her a complimentary high five, saying something along the lines of how Darcy would make a great comedian.

"Everybody knows it," said Fridge as his snickers died down. "Well -- everyone except Mr. Stark."

"He's in denial," Darcy shook her head. "He just things they're really really good friends. Because friends totally cuddle and spoon all the time," she added with a snort. "I mean, I don't know if you're dad will ever admit you guys have feelings for each other, you guys might as well get naked right in front of him and -- "

"Maybe it's because, wait, get this," said Kennedy, holding up her hands dramatically. "We don't have feelings for each other! Ever think of that?"

For a moment there was silence as Fridge and Darcy slow,y but surely exchanged glances and then they both burst into a fit of hysterics, both laughing loudly at Kennedy's words as Kennedy huffed in annoyance, folding her arms across her chest.

"If you two idiots would shut up for one -- what the hell is that?"

Something in the corner of Kennedy's eyes caught her eye and when she took a full glance up at the sky, she nearly did a double take. Gone were the once beautiful blue skies of Manhattan, replaced with stormy grey as the air became choppy and cold, wind beginning to whip around faster and faster as, straight out of the sky, a large loop shaped space ship of some sort descended out of the sky, its red and black parts gleaming in the sunlight as nearly everyone looked up to see it, everyone completely baffled.

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