all in this together

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          "Wanda and Viz need help -- now

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"Wanda and Viz need help -- now."

Collapses against the side of the platform within an underground subway somewhere in the heart of Europe, deep underground, was Vision himself, heavily injured as he lay on the edge of a stony ledge which dipped about ten feet to the train tracks below it. Clutching a deep wound in his chest, Vision did not look as if he was going to make it while Wanda Maximoff stood before him, looking completely and utterly exhausted and yet she continued to face off the two alien threats as vibrant red energy continued to swirl around the palms of her hands while she protected him.

"Wait for my cue."

"Cap -- !"


Screeching loudly, an enormous, impeccably fast train pulled through the station as it hurdled through the underground subways of Europe, its brakes squealing against the rails as it zoomed forwards, completely unstoppable as it continuously went by, seeming to be completely endless until finally the final carts were rushing through as it revealed a single form standing on the opposite end of the platform, a shadowy figure hidden by darkness until one pale slanted glimmer of moonlight shed across his face as he turned --

     It was Captain America himself -- Steve Rogers.

With a grunt of fury, an alien woman with grey and black skin, blue scales encrusted upon her upper face while she had dark hair falling in layers down her shoulders, threw an icily blue topped, three pronged spear as it soared through the air, aimed directly at Steve.

Reaching one hand into the air, he caught it.

And that was when the battle truly began.

Crashing through the glass ceiling came Sam Wilson in all of his Falcon glory, sending shards crashing to the concrete ground as they shattered into millions of little pieces while his mechanical wings extended fully out as he soared towards the grounds, jamming straight into the male aliens chest as he sent him crashing through walls into the next room over.

Then, from the side came a blur of blue and gold.

Moving so fast it was almost impossible to tell what it was as it sprinted by seemingly faster than the speed of light itself. Certainly the female alien had no time to figure out what it was as she stood there dumbly, only able to react as suddenly her second spear was ripped from her hands and the blur finally focused in on a single person, revealing it to be a woman in a tight blue and gold top with black running leggings and slightly worn out looking running sneakers -- it was Morgan DuPont, the fastest woman alive.

"This is kinda cool," Morgan commented as she held the spear at an arms length, admiring it. "But what is it?"

With an infuriated grunt, the alien lunged forwards but Morgan was too quick.

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