"Well, what if one day, our relationship goes public, and your fans don't like me because - I don't know - I'm me?" I look away towards my window, not wanting him to see the fear inside of me; his fans mean so much to him, and I don't want to be the one that gets in between.

A sigh is heard right before his voice speaks, "My fans mean a lot to me, Lara. I know you know that because Austin told me you were one of my dedicated Jakers from the beginning," I turn around with my jaw dropped to see him smiling at that fact as he continues to drive, "And you should know that if a fan loves me, they know what makes me happy as well. They'll support my decisions knowing that even though I'm not with them, they'll still mean something to me; they know that I do care for each and every one of them in my own little way." I nod at his statement, a small 'yea' coming from my lips.

"And at first, people are going to give us shit for being together, but we'll get through it. I know you're scared, but you're not going to be alone through this process since I'm in it with you, my dear. Hopefully sooner than later, everyone will be able to accept our relationship for what it is, and then we'll live happily ever after," his finger brushes against the ring he had given me. A small grin grows onto my cheeks as I see how sincere he is, and I can't help but turn hot and red. I lean towards his right arm, my head on his shoulder.

"Marian Lara," his voice becomes raspy but quickly averts to his normal tone after a cough, "You're distracting me from the road." I lift my head off of his arm and return into my seat again, "How?"

Instead of answering, he changes the subject, "Let's go to Walmart; I need to get some groceries." He completely ignored my question, making me look at him with confusion, "You didn't answer me..."

"Well, I need to get supplies to make dinner," he takes a moment to meet my eyes, "And if I told you why you are a distraction, you'll use it against me."

With a smile on my face, I answer him, "Whatever, Jake." I lean back into my seat, removing his grip from my hand to cross my arms. He returns his hand back to the steering wheel as I see the words clearly written with the devious smirk and facial expression on his face, "You'll pay for that."


"Jake," I lean onto his kitchen counter as I go through his groceries, "Can't I help with anything?" I've been fidgeting around for half an hour now, listening to music as I text Aubrey. He bites his tongue as he vigorously uses the knife to cut up vegetables and other ingredients before looking up at me, "Uhm, you can get the ice cream and chocolate syrup in the freezer and fridge, so it can cool off." I jump out of my seat and walk behind him, poking his back in the process, to go and retrieve the materials in the refrigerator. As I bend down to search for the ingredients, I look behind me and see that Jake is grabbing the blender from a tall glass cupboard. I reach out for the syrup before taking the vanilla and pistachio icecream flavors from the top freezer. As I turn around to walk back to the counter, Jake blocks my way with his body, taking the icecream tubs and syrup from my hands.

He turns away from me, walking back to the counter, and places the materials near the blender. He grabs the bowl of vegetables and the wooden spatula, slowly placing them on the large heated plate where the steaks have been sizzling for a few minutes now. A hissing sound comes from the modern stove as smoke rises from the vegetables and steaks, making a delicious aroma overcome the kitchen. A few minutes pass by as he flips the food and places them on a large serving tray; as he does so, he takes a few short looks at me seeing if I'm paying attention to what he is doing and places the tray onto the dinner table.

He quickly maneuvers to the blender, removing the lids of the ice cream. He uses his index finger telling me to come to him, and I slowly make my way towards him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

Infinite - Jake T. Austin Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now