14- The Sass Queen Called, He Wants His Shit Back

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Frank's POV

I woke up at nine in the afternoon and found Gerard making coffee downstairs in the kitchen. I put my hands on his hips and put my lips on his neck, kissing him slowly.

He turned around and smiled, kissing me back. I've always wanted to do this with Gerard. Just kiss him and see him smile. This was romantic. Very. His eyes were lit up.

"Good morning," I whispered in his ear, having to stand on my toes to reach his ear because I'm short as fuck.

"Good morning, babe." We both smiled.

"Shit, I forgot to get your stuff from that idiot's house!"

Gerard didn't say anything. He just took the coffee and went upstairs. I followed him and he slammed the goddamn door in my face. I walked into our room and he was on the bed drinking the coffee. Mine was downstairs, but I wasn't going to drink until I saw Gerard be happy.

"What do you want, Frank?" he asked me. I sat down next to him on the bed.

"I'm sorry I mentioned him. Look, babe. I'll get your stuff. Just you stay here."

"I'll go with you. I'm scared of being alone."

"Okay, babe. I'll just... I'll grab the stuff and you stay in the car. I don't want you near someone like him." We went to the car as soon as he was done with his coffee. I let him drive my car.

When we got to Bert's house, Gee came out of the car with me. "I need to, Frank. I need to face my fears."

I grabbed his hand and rang the doorbell. Bert opened the door in is underwear and we saw a naked blond guy in the house. "Yo, Gerard needs his stuff. Give it," I said with nothing but firmness in my voice.

"Fine. Come in." We both came in and Gerard completely lost himself.

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