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Ohmwreaker: I was minding my own business watching PewDiePie and being fatty when I got a text from Ryan. I was really surprised cause I didn't think he wants to talk to me at this hour. He was always recording something for his channel.

Ohm- Hey you busy?

Y/n- Am I ever busy?

Ohm- I guess not. I wanted to know if you wanted to Skype?

Did he want to Skype me? It's like all my dreams are coming true. I couldn't believe it. Holding back my excitement while I was typing so I didn't fuck up. I just really couldn't believe this was happening.

Y/n- Absolutely!

Y/n- Like do you mean right now tho?

I quickly get up and don't take my eyes off my phone as I ran over to my computer. Begging, praying almost that he would say yes. I log into my computer and pull up my camera fixing my hair quickly. Great, I'm still ugly. Perfect.

Ohm- Yea is that a problem?

Panicked. I couldn't let him see how desperate I was. Yet I also couldn't let him get the idea that I wasn't interested.

Y/n- No lmao it's good imma get on Skype rn.

God Y/n where did your English go? I got on Skype got his and shit you know the deal. My internet was slow for a second as I am mentally prepared myself for this. Then I have seen him. Well not really. I just saw his ass with a face on it.

"Oh, what the hell is this?" I asked trying not to laugh at how white his ass was.

"Mr. Cheeks wanted to ask you something.."

"Okay, what is it?"

"You wanna go out with me?"

You were at Delirious house trying to help him paint some walls for a baby. Unfortunately, you ran out of paint.

"I told you it wasn't enough Delirious..." You sighed.

"Oh well... Hey," He said slowly as he was looking down at his phone.

"You wanna do me a huge favor?"

To be honest. You have done so many favors for this dude. You were sort of pissed he hasn't done off for you yet. I mean he did call you at 4 in the morning asking 'Do you wanna do me a huge favor?'. If you didn't know any better you would think he was planning something.


"Oh come on Y/n pleaseeeeee!"

You look at him with your big (eye color) eyes. Delirious looking back at them with the biggest hope in those blue eyes. You could see why (Best Friends Name) like him. He was tall, nicely built, sweet personality, beautiful blue eyes, good dark hair. He almost got you. Almost.

"Nah, I'm good."  You said sitting down.

You hear him sigh and look back down at his phone. Was he texting someone? Probably (Best Friends Name).  He glances at me and puts down the phone to get back started on the painting. After a few minutes of watching him paint his phone was blowing up. He picked it up and groaned. He went into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

"Here Y/n..." He walked over to me and gave me a 100 dollar.

"What's this for?"

"Get out."


"Go get the paint keep the rest.."

You don't think twice about it as you run out and hop into your car. You make it to the store and get some gray paint. Though the thought made you pause and think about if it's the right color. You feel a hand on your shoulder a warm breath on your neck. You could tell by the grip that it was Luke.

"Cartoonz?" You said softly.

Turning around you see him holding a perfect coat of the paint you need with a card saying 'Please go out with me'.

"Y/n!" I heard my name being called.

Please don't be Brock. Please don't be Brock.

I turn around and see Moo standing there with all this glory. I've been trying to avoid him since he wanted me to meet his friends. I only heard about them so I know that they weren't as nice as they seem on camera. To be honest, who is these days, everything is either lies or planned out from the start. So getting introduced to his friends would be not the greatest thing in the world.

"Hi!" He said to me and smiled brightly. He looked down at my headphones and back up at me.

"Did you not hear me or something?" He asked.

I quickly look down at the floor. "Oh yeah, my bad.."

It was silent for a few minutes and all you can hear the people and cars passed by us on the busy street.

"Look if I make it any better I'll tell them, you my girlfriend." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I crack a smile and chuckle.

"You don't have to lie to them." He looks away from me and smiles at the ground.

"I wasn't gonna lie.. I really mean it."

Oof? What no he wouldn't mean what I think he means...right?

"What do you mean?"

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"

He came over to Anthony's house for one more time before you left for home. He wanted to see you before you were gone. Currently, you were sitting on his couch waiting for food to come.

"Yo bitch, where's my food?" You yell towards the kitchen.

Putting your feet up on the couch you fell into the most comfortable position ever.

"Hold your tits lady I'm doing something!" You hear him scream.

He was probably doing something to the pizza. He always moves the topping on the pizza to my words that he wants. Last time it was 'imma eat u up'. Well, it didn't have the 'p' cause he ate it. Though it was the thought that counts. He comes in with a pizza box with a ribbon on it.

What the fuck did he do now.

You sighed and put your feet back on the ground straightening up you back. "What's this?"

"A present."

"That's some gay shit."

"Just open it Y/n." He sighed.

You opening and see a pizza saying "be mine" on it. Well, it was missing the 'e' in be. Though it was the thought that counts.

VanossGaming Crew Scenarios (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now