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A/n: Please read my one-shot book <3

You were invited to Delirious and (Best friend names) wedding. When she told you how she has seen him at the store one day and just sort of hitting it off. You knew they would last for a while.

Next thing you know they are getting married. And surprise surprise your a maid of honor. You don't know much about YouTube, or anything really about it.

Though you saw someone staring at you when you were looking at Delirious. You think it was this dude named Cartoonz. You were not really sure.

He has red skin, black hair, an eye patch with an "x" on it. He looked sort of hot in that suit. You thought about talking to him but never got around to it. By the end of the wedding, you made a move.

"So uh I can't believe (Best friend name) and Delirious left us to clean up."

"Yeah Delirious is a little shithead, he thinks that today is his day and that he doesn't need to do anything but to, 'sit still and look pretty'."

"Yeah (Best friend name) too, it took us 6 hours to pick out her wedding dress."

"Well, that's not so bad.."

You smirk. "6 hours each for 3 days."

His face makes an "O" as he picks up some trash and puts a bag. "Well don't worry I hope our wedding isn't like that... Name's Cartoonz but you can call me Luke."

You giggle at his joke. "Y/n L/n."

After you and most of your friends graduate high school you all started your own lives. Back in high school distance from each other was a fantasy that the real world wanted. Though it seems like reality always get what it wants. Most of your friends went to college, got jobs, started family's, or even moved to different countries.

The only one you really had any contact with now was Brock. It's been a couple of years since you have seen him in person. Sure you guys talked on the phone now and then. Maybe even shared a couple of pictures of each other's vacations over text and whatnot. Though you haven't talked to him face to face in a while.

Plus coffee, you haven't had coffee in a while too.

As you were in deep thought you get snapped out of it by-

"So are you uh going to just stand there or what lady?" Said the cashier.

You look around frantically realizing you're in a Starbucks café. You cough nervously and quickly straighten out your clothes. "Uh shit yeah I'm sorry can I get a.. you know what just get me a vanilla latte extra foam and soy milk please..."

"Would you like it hot or iced"

"Fucking shit man I don't know man hot I guess." Since when has Starbucks become a test to order a drink.

"Would you like-"

"That's it man damn, just let me pay for this thing." You hand them your card, walking away to wait for your order.

Finally, you get your drink and walk out the door or at least tried to and then a guy taps your shoulder. You look back obviously pissed and see a guy with brown hair, dark brown eyes, and the softest smile looking at you.


"Uh well, I'm pretty sure you forgot your receipt." He said a laughed a little.

"Goddamnit Brock." You blushed, muttering to yourself.

The beautiful thing about the online world is that nobody can see your face unless you wanted them to. Or less you're retarded and got your computer hacked, but that's a different story.

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