How you guys meet

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He doesn't know how in the world he got talked into it, but he agreed to let Joe put him on a blind date. The girl that Joe had picked to be on the date with Jordan was you. As soon as Jordan saw you, he fell in love.

You were working at your local downtown store. Joe walked in, saw you, and completely forgot why he came into the store. All he could do was look at you.

As usual, Donnie picks up girls, here and there so he was at a party trying to have another night of fun. That's when he saw you. He completely left behind the thought of a one night stand and realized that he wanted to be with you and only you.

You were at your very first nkotb concert. Danny caught a glimpse of you while he was on stage and wanted to get to know you more.

Donnie made Jonathan go to a club. Of course, Jonathan didn't want to be there. So he sat back, and watched everyone else. Then he saw you and that's when he got up and started talking to you. You guys immediately hit it off.

I'm sorry guys, this was my first chapter. But I will try to make better ones.

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