 | Pink Matter (⚠️)

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Zuziumi awakened to the darkness. The only light she could see was the street lights that illuminated into the room. She sits up, looking to her left, seeing Nahmir with a MacBook and headphones. The light of the laptop beams onto his face as his dreads covered it.

It was twelve in the morning and he couldn't go back to sleep. Something was on his mind, heavily.

"What're you doing?" she gently pulls his right earbud out his ear, letting it dangle.

"Nothing," he said, "just makin' beats. I can't sleep no more."

She frowned, "What's the matter?"

He saved his work, closing the MacBook and taking out the earbuds, setting them to the side. They were now left in the dark.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I mean we can't just keep hidin' and shit. I feel like their going to find us, eventually. Plus, it's been a long time since you been to school; I don't wanna mess that up for you," he confesses.

"Nahmir, if there's any place I'd rather be, It'll be with you. And if they do find us, I would literally hold onto you and not let go. School... public school, I hated that place. I was always picked on because of how quiet I was-I was basically a nobody. I wouldn't call it depressing, but I was sad. I could enroll into online classes if that works... just not a Alabama school," she told him.

"If you had a choice, would you leave to Los Angeles with me?" he asked.

She was quiet for a minute, "Yes, yes I would."

"Come here," he beckons. She obliges, finding his arms in the darkness. They hugged eachother in silence.

Hearing bass outside of their apartment, there was a party happening from across complex B to complex D.

Nahmir smacks his lips, "I swear them frat boys get on my fuckin' nerves, bruh."

Zuziumi laughs, "How you know they're frat boys?"

"Because every since I bought this place and stayed for a lil' bit away from Calvin, they would always throw these loud ass parties; I was only here for fo' days!" he said, "All they ever do is get drunk and have their neighbors complain. They ain't nothin' but a bunch of college boys."

"They're tryna live life while they're young, Nahmir. You know, you don't live forever. You only live once," Zuziumi says, laying her head in his lap.

"Yeah, I know," he plays with her braids, "I'm surprised they ain't got alcohol poisoning yet," he murmurs.

She gasps, hitting his leg, "That's horrible to say!"

"What? It's true! I took out the trash one day. You should've seen how many bottles were in that bitch!" he told her.

Zuziumi rolls her eyes, piercing her lips.

Slowly, she began to fall asleep.

It was a breezy night that Zuziumi had taken the chance to walk in. Normally, she wouldn't walk in the dark, but she need a peace of mind.

Walking around the corner, she seen five men and one boy. Suddenly, she began to feel uncomfortable since she was walking by herself. She didn't have any weapon to protect herself.

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